
林业资源管理 ›› 2011›› Issue (5): 36-40.

• 科学技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


高仲亮1,2, 周汝良1, 李智1, 龙腾腾1, 崔飞1, 仝艳民1   

  1. 1.西南林业大学 土木工程学院,昆明 650224;
    2.云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点试验室,云南 昆明 650224
  • 收稿日期:2011-07-07 修回日期:2011-08-12 出版日期:2011-10-28 发布日期:2020-12-21
  • 通讯作者: 周汝良(1963-),男,教授,从事森林防火和3S技术应用教学与研究工作。Email:zhou-ruliang@163.com
  • 作者简介:高仲亮(1981-),男,云南临沧人,实验师,硕士,从事森林防火、城市消防与3S技术应用教学和研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of Impacts of Slope Positions on Soil Carbon Storage in Prescribed Burning of Pinus Kesiya

GAO Zhongliang1,2, ZHOU Ruliang1, LI Zhi, LONG Tengteng1, CUI Fei1, TONG Yanmin1   

  1. 1. College of Civil Engineering,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China;
    2. Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China
  • Received:2011-07-07 Revised:2011-08-12 Online:2011-10-28 Published:2020-12-21

摘要: 比较思茅松常规林和计划烧除林上坡、中坡和下坡3个坡位腐殖质层厚度、载量和有机碳储量,以及0~60cm层次土壤有机碳含量和储量,分析坡位在思茅松林计划烧除中对土壤有机碳储量的影响。实验数据表明:思茅松林3个坡位计划烧除后腐殖质层厚度、载量、有机碳储量均增加显著(P<0.05),分别增加了0.55cm,2.298t/hm2,1.466t/hm2;0~60cm层次各个相同坡位土壤平均有机碳含量和储量增加均极显著(P<0.01),增幅均为下坡>中坡>上坡,增加值分别为0.581,0.505,0.482;44.218,41.696,32.492t/hm2。这些实验数据说明计划烧除可增加森林土壤有机碳储量,选择下坡和中坡进行计划烧除可获得更好的固碳效率。

关键词: 坡位, 计划烧除, 有机含碳量, 有机碳储量

Abstract: Comparison was done on three slopes of conventional and prescribed burning forest of humus layer thickness,load and organic carbon storage of upper,middle and bottom slope,and 0~60cm levels soil organic carbon content and storage. This paper elaborated the impacts of slope positions on soil organic carbon storage in prescribed burning of Pinus Kesiya.The experimental data showed that after prescribed burning,humus layer,load and organic carbon storage of three slope increased obviously (P<0.05),which increased 0.55cm,2.317t/hm2 and 1.479t/hm2. 0~60cm level soil average organic carbon content and storage in the same slope position increased highly and significantly (P<0.01). The increase amplitude was bottom slope> middle slope> upper slope with increase rate being 0.581,0.505,0.482,and 44.218,41.696,32.492t/hm2.The experimental data showed that prescribed burning can increase forest soil organic carbon storage,selected bottom and middle slope prescribed burning can obtain better efficiency of carbon sequestration.

Key words: slope positions, prescribed burning, organic carbon content, organic carbon storage
