
林业资源管理 ›› 2012›› Issue (3): 10-14.

• 经营管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国绿色碳汇基金会,北京 100714
  • 收稿日期:2012-04-11 修回日期:2012-05-03 出版日期:2012-06-28 发布日期:2020-11-27
  • 作者简介:李金良(1974-),男,云南大理人,高工,博士,主要从事森林可持续经营管理、林业项目管理、林业应对气候变化等研究和实践工作。Email:lijinliang8207@sina.com
  • 基金资助:

Reformation Research on the Forest Management Model of Forestry Enterprises

LI Jinliang   

  1. China Green Carbon Foundation,Beijing 100714,China
  • Received:2012-04-11 Revised:2012-05-03 Online:2012-06-28 Published:2020-11-27

摘要: 剖析了当前林业企业森林经营管理模式存在的主要弊端,在此基础上提出了林业企业森林经营管理模式改革的一套思路,构建了一个林业企业森林经营管理新模式,即“员工与企业效益共享模式”。该模式有利于提高林业企业员工的主观能动性和经营管理工作的实际效果,提高营林投资收益,实现预期的森林经营目标,这对林业企业经营管理改革和实践具有一定的现实意义。

关键词: 林业企业, 森林经营管理模式, 效益共享

Abstract: The main problems in the forest management models of forestry enterprises at present were analyzed and the reform idea of the forest management model was put forward. In addition,a new forest management model,“the model of benefit sharing between enterprise and employees”,was developed in the paper. The model can help improve forestry enterprise staff's conscious activity and enterprise management performance,increase forest investment income,and achieve the forest management goals. And the model has real significance for reformation and practice of the forestry enterprise forest management.

Key words: forestry enterprise, forest management model, benefit sharing
