
林业资源管理 ›› 2012›› Issue (3): 113-118.

• 科学技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴丽娟1, 于凌霄1, 贾素萍1, 宋继琴1, 贾黎明2, 司婧2   

  1. 1.北京大兴区林业站,北京 102600;
    2.北京林业大学 省部共建森林培育与保护教育部重点实验室,北京 100083
  • 收稿日期:2012-04-20 修回日期:2012-05-03 出版日期:2012-06-28 发布日期:2020-11-27
  • 作者简介:吴丽娟(1967-),女,北京大兴人,高工,主要从事林业生态研究。Email:daxinglinyezhan@sina.com

Root Distribution Features of Stump Grafting Poplar Plantations

WU Lijuan1, YU Lingxiao1, JIA Suping1, SONG Jiqin1, JIA Liming2, SI Jing2   

  1. 1. Forestry Station of Daxing District,Beijing,102600;
    2. The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education,Beijing Forestry University,100083,P.R. China
  • Received:2012-04-20 Revised:2012-05-03 Online:2012-06-28 Published:2020-11-27

摘要: 通过对比研究大兴区的伐根嫁接杨树林分和与其地下和地上部分分别相同的植苗造林杨树林分,得出伐根嫁接杨树林根系的特殊分布特征。采用全挖法获取杨树总根量和根型,采用土柱法获取吸收根(细根≤2mm,粗根210mm)。结果表明:伐根嫁接林根系总干重分别是相同地下和地上部分植苗造林的1.83倍和7.38倍;其根系数量多且粗壮,为水平斜生根型,而植苗造林林分为水平根型;伐根嫁接林总细根量和总粗根量分别比两个植苗造林林分提高了86.27%和224.65%,59.06%和65.86%;与植苗造林相比,伐根嫁接林表层的吸收根垂直和水平分布都表现异常,垂直分布中0~10cm土层的细根分布较多,10~20cm土层的分布较少;水平分布中株间0~20cm土层的分布异常多。该结论为伐根嫁接杨树林的生长优势提供了进一步的微观解释。

关键词: 伐根嫁接, 杨树, 根系, 分布特征

Abstract: An experiment was conducted to study the special root distribution of stump grafting poplar plantations comparing with two forestation poplar plantations whose underground and aboveground part was the same as the stump grafting poplar respectively in Daxing District .This experiment used a full excavation method to get the total root biomass and root model and soil pillars to obtain the absorption root (fine root ≤ 2mm,crude root 2-10mm ). Results showed that the total root biomass of stump grafting poplar plantations were 1.83 and 7.38 times more than two forestation plantations respectively.It's roots were quite many and stout,the model of roots form was combined horizontal and plagiotropic type and the two forestation plantations'roots model was horizontal type.The total fine root and crude root biomass of stump grafting poplar plantations were 86.27% and 224.65%,59.06% and 65.86% more than two forestation plantations.The vertical and horizontal distribution of absorbing root of stump grafting poplar were abnormal in soil surface layer comparing with two forestation poplar plantations.The biomass of fine root in 0-10cm was a lot and the 10-20cm was a little.In 0-20cm among plants,the root was quite a lot. This conclusion provided further microcosmic explanations of the growth advantages of stump grafting poplar plantations.

Key words: Daxing, stump grafting, poplar, root, distribution features
