
林业资源管理 ›› 2012›› Issue (3): 57-60.

• 科学技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


尹桃1, 张秋良1, 张翠霞2, 王冬至1   

  1. 1.内蒙古农业大学 林学院,呼和浩特 010018;
    2.内蒙古大青山国家级自然保护区管理局,呼和浩特 010018
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-27 修回日期:2012-04-19 出版日期:2012-06-28 发布日期:2020-11-27
  • 通讯作者: 张秋良,男,内蒙古呼和浩特人,教授,博导,从事森林可持续经营研究。
  • 作者简介:尹桃 (1987-),女,内蒙古伊旗人,在读硕士,主要从事森林可持续经营管理与技术研究。Email:530307863@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Evaluation of Sustainable Management of Ecological Public Welfare Forest in Daqing Mountains of Inner Mongolia

YIN Tao1, ZHANG Qiuliang1, ZHANG Cuixia2, WANG Dongzhi1   

  1. 1. Forestry College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Huhhot 010018;
    2. Inner Mongolia Daqingshan National Nature Reserve Administration,Huhhot 010018,China
  • Received:2012-03-27 Revised:2012-04-19 Online:2012-06-28 Published:2020-11-27

摘要: 以内蒙古大青山生态公益林为研究对象,通过实地调查、专家咨询和指标筛选构建了21个指标组成的森林可持续经营评价指标体系。对所构建的评价指标体系采用综合评价指数对大青山生态公益林森林可持续经营效果进行了评价。结果表明:森林可持续经营综合评价指数为0.678,处于弱可持续状态。通过评价找出了影响大青山生态公益林可持续经营的关键因素。

关键词: 大青山, 生态公益林, 可持续经营, 评价

Abstract: The ecological public welfare forest in Daqing Mountains of Inner Mongolia was taken as a research object. Through field investigation,expert consultation and index selection the sustainable forest management evaluation index system consisting of 21 indicators was develeped.The comprehensive evaluation index was used for the evaluation index system. The ecological public welfare forest sustainable management efficiency was evaluated. The results showed that the forest sustainable management evaluation index was 0.678,in a weak state of sustainability.The key factors affacting the sustainable management of the ecological public welfare forest in Daqing Mountains were found out.

Key words: Daqing Mountains, ecological public welfare forest, stainable management, evaluation
