
林业资源管理 ›› 2012›› Issue (4): 1-6.

• 经营管理 •    下一篇

加快林业碳汇标准化体系建设 促进中国林业碳管理

李怒云1, 李金良1, 袁金鸿1, 陈叙图2   

  1. 1.中国绿色碳汇基金会,北京 100714;
    2.国家林业局林产工业规划设计院, 北京 100714
  • 收稿日期:2012-07-31 修回日期:2012-08-13 出版日期:2012-08-28 发布日期:2020-11-27
  • 作者简介:李怒云(1956-),四川乐山人,教授,博士,研究领域为林业应对气候变化、碳汇交易与生态服务市场、林业项目社会影响评价。Email:linuyun516@vip.sina.com
  • 基金资助:

Accelerating the Establishing Process of China's Forestry Carbon Sequestration Standard System for Improving the Administration of China's Forestry Carbon

LI Nuyun1, LI Jinliang1, YUAN Jinhong1, CHEN Xutu2   

  1. 1. China Green Carbon Foundation, Beijing 100714;
    2. Academy of Forestry Industry Planning &Design of SFA, Beijing 100714,China
  • Received:2012-07-31 Revised:2012-08-13 Online:2012-08-28 Published:2020-11-27

摘要: 从森林的碳汇功能、应对气候变化及碳汇交易国际规则入手,介绍了国内外林业碳汇标准体系的现状与发展趋势;在总结中国林业碳汇标准体系研建及试点基础上,提出了构建我国林业碳汇国家标准体系的思路与建议。

关键词: 林业碳汇, 碳汇造林, 碳交易, 国家标准体系

Abstract: Beginning from the carbon sequestration functions of forests and the international regulations about addressing climate change and trading carbon, this paper introduces the present situation and the development trend of forestry carbon sequestration standard system at home and abroad. Based on summarizing experiences in both the trial and the research on the establishment of China's forestry carbon sequestration standard system, some thoughts and suggestions about establishing China's national standard system of forestry carbon are put forward.

Key words: forestry carbon sequestration, carbon afforestration, carbon trade, China's national standard system
