
林业资源管理 ›› 2012›› Issue (4): 102-107.

• 科学技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


高祥伟1,2, 费鲜芸1,2, 庄文峰3, 王红波3   

  1. 1.淮海工学院 测绘工程学院,江苏 连云港 222005;
    2.江苏省海洋资源开发研究院,江苏 连云港 222001;
    3.连云港市花果山风景区管理处,江苏 连云港 222061
  • 收稿日期:2012-04-20 修回日期:2012-06-07 出版日期:2012-08-28 发布日期:2020-11-27
  • 作者简介:高祥伟(1969-),男,山东菏泽人,博士,主要从事测绘及地理信息技术教学与研究工作。Email: gaoxw2008@126.com
  • 基金资助:

High Spatial Resolution 3D Visualization Short-term Forecast of Forest Fire Hazard Rating in Lianyungang Huaguo Mountains

GAO Xiangwei1,2, FEI Xianyun1,2, ZHUANG Wenfeng3, WANG Hongbo3   

  1. 1. School of Geodesy &Geomatics Engineering,HuaiHai Institute of Technology,Lianyungang 222005,China;
    2. Jiangsu Marine Resources Development Research Institute,Lianyungang 222001,China;
    3. Huaguo Mountain Scenic Spot Administration Office,Lianyungang 222061,China
  • Received:2012-04-20 Revised:2012-06-07 Online:2012-08-28 Published:2020-11-27

摘要: 以连云港花果山为研究区,将火险等级预报因子归纳为森林火险区划、天气、火源等3个类别。其中火险区划根据植被类型、植被特征、地形因子获取;天气因子通过24h天气预报获取;火源危险等级由景区内的道路进行缓冲区分析获取。利用3类火险因子,通过加权叠置法建立火险等级短期预报模型,进行火险等级预报;利用DEM和SPOT5影像,通过GIS三维可视化技术,对预报结果进行三维可视化显示。通过研究实现了火险等级短期预报,将火险等级落实到小班,并将火险等级分布信息以三维可视化方式显示,为研究区森林火险实时监测提供了基础平台,为山区林火科学化管理提供技术支持。

关键词: 高空间分辨率, 火险等级, 三维可视化, 短期预报

Abstract: In this paper,Huaguo Mountain Scenic Area in Lianyungang was chosen as study region.Forest hazard zone,weather and fire resource were used as the factors for fire hazard rating forecasting.Hazard zone was obtained according to forest vegetation types and their characteristics,topography.Weather factor was obtained by weather forecast every day.Fire source danger rating was obtained by buffer analysis of various roads in the study area.Using above three fire factors,real-time forecast model was established by weighted overlay method.By GIS 3D visualization technology,the forecast result was showed in the visualization form based on DEM and SPOT5 image.Through this study,the short-term fire rating forecast was realized in the range of compartment and was showed in the form of 3D visualization.The study result could provide basic platform for forest fire real-time monitoring system and would lead to more scientific,rational management of forest fire in the study area.

Key words: high spatial resolution, fire danger rating, 3D visualization, short-term forecast
