
林业资源管理 ›› 2013›› Issue (1): 76-79.

• 科学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘继明1, 黄炳军2, 徐演鹏3, 卢萍3, 林英华3   

  1. 1.大兴安岭图强林业局,黑龙江 漠河 165300;
    2.吉林长白山国家级自然保护区管理局,吉林 安图 133613;
    3.中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所,北京 100091
  • 收稿日期:2012-12-14 修回日期:2013-01-08 出版日期:2013-02-28 发布日期:2020-11-17
  • 通讯作者: 林英华(1966-),女,副研究员,硕士,主要从事动物生态学与土壤生态学研究。Email:linyinghua@263.net.
  • 作者简介:刘继明(1964-),男,黑龙江海伦人,高工,学士,主要从事森林生态学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Soil Microbial Functional Diversity of Typical Forest in Jigongshan Mountain Nature Reserve of Henan Province

LIU Jiming1, HUANG Binjun2, XU Yanpeng3, LU Ping3, LIN YingHua3   

  1. 1. Tuqiang Forest Bureau of Da Xinganling Mountain,Mohe,165300,Heilongjiang,China;
    2. The Administration Bureau of National Nature Reserve of Changbai Mountains,Antu 133613,Jilin,China;
    3. Institute of Wetland Research,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China
  • Received:2012-12-14 Revised:2013-01-08 Online:2013-02-28 Published:2020-11-17

摘要: Biolog EcoTM微平板技术是研究微生物群水平多样性的一种重要方法。通过该方法对河南鸡公山自然保护区3种主要森林类型(落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、杉木林)的土壤微生物群落多样性进行研究,结果显示:土壤微生物对单一碳源利用强度随着培养时间的增加呈递增的趋势,落叶阔叶林土壤微生物活性高于其他两种森林类型。3种森林类型土壤微生物对碳源利用差异性显著(p<0.01),森林植被类型直接影响土壤微生物功能多样性。分析表明,氨基酸是研究区域森林土壤微生物敏感碳源。

关键词: 平均颜色变化率(AWCD), 碳源, 群落多样性, Biolog

Abstract: Biolog EcoplateTM is an important approach of syudying community-level physiological profiles of microbes.Soil microbial diversity of three types of forests in Jigongshan Mountain Nature Reserve area of Henan Province,was studied by using Biolog EcoTM plates method.The result showed that utilization intensity of soil microbial on single carbon is in an increasing trend with the time of incubation and the metabolic capacity of soil microbial community under deciduous broadleaved forest is significantly higher than others.Utilization of different carbon resources is significantly different among forests(p<0.01).The result indicated that the Amino acids were sensitive to the change of soil microbial communities.

Key words: Average Well Color Development(AWCD), carbon source, community diversity, Biolog
