
林业资源管理 ›› 2013›› Issue (2): 56-63.

• 科学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


艾尼瓦尔·吐米尔, 张婷, 阿不都拉·阿巴斯   

  1. 新疆大学 生命科学与技术学院,乌鲁木齐 830046
  • 收稿日期:2012-10-23 修回日期:2013-01-17 发布日期:2020-11-19
  • 通讯作者: 阿不都拉·阿巴斯(1952-),男(塔塔尔族),新疆人,教授,博导,研究方向为地衣资源学。Email:abdulla@ xju.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:艾尼瓦尔·吐米尔(1970-),男(维吾尔族),新疆人,副教授,硕导,研究方向为种群及群落生态学。Email: anwartumursk@ xju.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Environmental Correlation of Species Distribution of Epiphytic Lichens in Forest Ecosystem in Altay Two River Source Nature Reserve,Xinjiang,China

Anwar Tumur, ZHANG Ting, Abdulla Abbas   

  1. College of Life Sciences and Technology,Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830046,China
  • Received:2012-10-23 Revised:2013-01-17 Published:2020-11-19

摘要: 为了查明阿尔泰山两河源国家级自然保护区树附生地衣物种组成成分,以及探讨影响该地区树附生地衣群落分布格局与环境因素之间的关系,以附生地衣覆盖度为指标,应用除趋势对应分析(DCA)对样点进行分组,运用典范对应分析(CCA)分析附生地衣分布与环境因素的关系,结果表明:1)阿尔泰山两河源自然保护区树附生地衣共有49种隶属于15科30属。2)根据DCA分析将该地区树附生地衣划分为3个样点组,样点组1共有地衣22种,总盖度为2.639%,物种多样性指数为1.603;样点组2共有地衣27种,地衣总盖度为3.717%,物种多样性最大为1.972;样点组3:共有地衣 12种,地衣总覆盖度为1.036%,物种多样性最小量为0.871。3)CCA排序结果表明:低海拔区,人为干扰强度高,地衣多样性较低;中海拔区,森林郁闭度高,湿度适中,干扰较少,地衣多样性较高;高海拔区,森林郁闭度较低,树种较少,光强度较强,干扰较少,主要以壳状地衣为主,多样性较低。

关键词: 树附生地衣, 数量分析, 物种分布格局, 阿尔泰山两河源国家级自然保护区

Abstract: In order to find out epiphytic lichens species composition and discuss the relationship between environmental factors and epiphytic lichens community distribution pattern,we use the Detrended Correspondence Analysis(DCA) for grouping the sampling points according to the lichens coverage;Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA) is used to analyze environmental correlation of species distribution of epiphytic lichens.The result showed that there were 49 epiphytic lichens belonging to15 families,30 genus .Based on the numerical analysis result the 20 sampling points could be identified as three groups.Group 1 includes 22 lichen species and total coverage of 2.639%,species diversity index is 1.603;Group 2 has 27 species and total coverage of 3.717%,the species diversity index is 1.972;Group 3 has 12 species and the smallest total coverage of 1.036%.The result of CCA analysis showed that altitude,air humidity,forest canopy coverage,light intensity are the four major environmental factors influencing the distribution patterns of the epiphytic lichens in the study area.

Key words: epiphytic lichens, numerical analysis, species distribution pattern, Altay two river source nature reserve
