
林业资源管理 ›› 2013›› Issue (4): 148-151.

• 国外借鉴 • 上一篇    


邢红1, 沈素华2, 余跃2   

  1. 1.国家林业局林改司,北京 100714;
    2.国家林业局国际合作中心,北京 100714
  • 收稿日期:2013-02-28 修回日期:2013-04-26 出版日期:2013-08-28 发布日期:2020-11-23
  • 作者简介:邢红(1967-),女,青海湟源人,高工,博士,主要从事林业改革发展研究工作。Email:xinghong23@126.com

Enlightenment from Sweden Forestry for the Deepening of the Collective Forest Tenure System Reform

XING Hong1, SHEN Suhua2, YU Yue2   

  1. 1. Department of Rural Forestry Reform and Development,SFA,Beijing 100714,China;
    2. Centre of International Cooperation,SFA,Beijing 100714,China
  • Received:2013-02-28 Revised:2013-04-26 Online:2013-08-28 Published:2020-11-23

摘要: 瑞典林业在保护好生态环境的同时,以不足世界商品林1%的林地,提供了世界10%的锯材、纸和纸浆等木制产品。其以家庭林场为主的产权结构,安全稳定的产权管理制度,适度合理的经营规模,科学有效的组织经营构架,都能为我国深化集体林权制度改革提供借鉴。

关键词: 瑞典林业, 集体林权制度改革, 借鉴

Abstract: Sweden forestry performs well in protect of the ecological environment,but at the same time,provides the world with 10% of the world’s wooden products such as sawn timber,paper and pulp with its less than 10% of the world commercial forest land area. The family tree farm is given priority to the structure of property right,security and stability of the property management system,moderate and reasonable scale of operation,scientific and effective organization management organization,which provides reference for the deepening of the collective forest tenure system reform in China.

Key words: Sweden forestry, the collective forest tenure system reform, enlightenment
