
林业资源管理 ›› 2013›› Issue (4): 72-76.

• 科学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李丽凤1, 刘文爱2   

  1. 1.钦州学院,广西 钦州 535000;
    2.广西科学院 广西红树林研究中心,广西 北海 536000
  • 收稿日期:2013-04-09 修回日期:2013-05-31 出版日期:2013-08-28 发布日期:2020-11-23
  • 作者简介:李丽凤(1980-),女,福建周宁人,讲师,研究生,研究方向为景观规划设计。Email:llf1007@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Research on Guangxi Zhushan Mangrove Communities and Their Distribution Patterns

LI Lifeng1, LIU Wenai2   

  1. 1. Qinzhou College,Qinzhou 535000,Guangxi,China;
    2. Guangxi Mangrove Research Center,Beihai 536000,Guangxi,China
  • Received:2013-04-09 Revised:2013-05-31 Online:2013-08-28 Published:2020-11-23

摘要: 以广西竹山红树林群落为研究对象,调查了红树林群落类型、密度、高度、覆盖度、更新层等,研究表明广西竹山红树林群落从内滩到外滩的演替规律为:桐花树、桐花树+白骨壤群丛→桐花+白骨壤-秋茄+海漆-桐花树+老鼠勒+卤蕨、白骨壤+桐花树→ 桐花树、桐花+白骨壤。种群分布格局为:桐花树呈集群分布,白骨壤、秋茄、海漆、老鼠簕呈随机分布。该群落人为干扰较多,在较小面积的滩面内集中了相对较多的群落类型,以桐花树群丛和桐花树+白骨壤两种群落为主,呈低矮的单层灌木状。样方中各个滩位均有更新层,且更新层的高度差异显著,表明该地区的红树林群落处于发展的初期。

关键词: 广西, 竹山, 红树林群落, 分布格局

Abstract: The paper takes the mangrove communities in Guangxi Zhushan as the research object in order to investigate the type,the density,the height,the vegetation coverage and the regenerated layers of the communities.The research shows the Zhushan mangrove community evolutionary changes from high to low tide beach as follow:Aegiceras corniculatum,Aegiceras corniculatum+Aricennia marina→Aegiceras corniculatum+Aricennia marina-Kandelia candel+Excoecaria agallocha Linn.+Aegiceras corniculatum+Acanthus ilicifolius+Acrostichum aureum Linn.,Aricennia marina+Aegiceras corniculatum→Aegiceras corniculatum,Aegiceras corniculatum+Aricennia marina.The distribution patterns are as follows:Aegiceras corniculatum are clumped and Aricennia marina,Kandelia candel,Excoecaria agallocha Linn.,Acanthus ilicifolius are distributed randomly.There are many community types in the beach with small areas which are disturbed by human race.The dominant communities are Aegiceras corniculatum and Aegiceras corniculatum+Aricennia marina which are low monolayer shrubby.There are updated layers in each quadrat beach and the height difference of the updated layers is significant, which indicates that the mangrove communities are still in their early stages of development.

Key words: Guangxi, Zhushan, mangrove community, distribution pattern
