
林草资源研究 ›› 2024›› Issue (2): 51-58.doi: 10.13466/j.cnki.lczyyj.2024.04.007

• 科学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


马媛1,2(), 张景波1(), 蔺方春1, 辛智鸣1,2, 罗凤敏1,2, 杨耀科1, 郭俊廷1, 王嘉鹏1   

  1. 1.中国林业科学研究院沙漠林业实验中心,内蒙古 磴口 015200
    2.内蒙古磴口荒漠生态系统国家定位观测研究站,内蒙古 磴口 015200
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-03 修回日期:2024-04-06 出版日期:2024-04-28 发布日期:2024-09-02
  • 通讯作者: 张景波,高级工程师,博士,主要研究方向为荒漠生态学。Email:nmzhangjb@126.com
  • 作者简介:马媛,工程师,硕士,主要研究方向为荒漠化防治。Email:453239598@qq.com
  • 基金资助:
    鄂尔多斯市科技重大专项“露采矿排土场高效植被建设关键技术研究与示范”(2022EEDSKJZDZX0 12-2)

Plant Diversity in Mine Dumps and Its Coupling Relationship with Soil Physicochemical Indices

MA Yuan1,2(), ZHANG Jingbo1(), LIN Fangchun1, XIN Zhiming1,2, LUO Fengmin1,2, YANG Yaoke1, GUO Junting1, WANG Jiapeng1   

  1. 1. Experimental Center of Desert Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Dengkou 015200,Inner Mongolia,China
    2. National Observation Research Station of Inner Mongolia Dengkou Desert Ecosystem,Dengkou 015200,Inner Mongolia,China
  • Received:2023-12-03 Revised:2024-04-06 Online:2024-04-28 Published:2024-09-02


探究鄂尔多斯满来梁矿区不同修复年限下植物多样性及其与土壤理化指标的耦合关系,揭示植被与土壤在生态修复中的相互作用,为优化植被恢复策略及评估修复效果提供科学依据。 以修复年限在2~12 a的植被与土壤理化指标为研究对象,原始地貌为对照,通过调查不同样地内的植被组成与土壤理化性质,利用相关性分析揭示其相互影响与作用方式。结果表明:1)研究区共调查到51种植物,以菊科、禾本科和豆科为主,三者共占植物种类总数的61%;2)植物多样性随时间变化显著,物种数量先减少后增加,Margalef和Shannon-Weiner指数先降后升,Pielou和Simpson指数无明显变化;3)植物多样性指数与土壤理化指标存在中度及以上关联,其中pH和全磷与物种多样性关联较密切;4)修复初期,植物多样性与土壤理化指标的协调度提高,随修复年限增加,协调度先升高再降低,修复6 a时协调度最高。修复措施对植物多样性及其土壤理化指标的平衡发展有积极作用,需不断优化修复措施,使之达到最佳协调水平。

关键词: 矿区排土场, 植物多样性, 灰色关联度分析, 耦合分析


To explore the coupling relationship between plant diversity and soil physicochemical indices in Manlailiang mining area,Ordos,under different restoration years,with the aim to reveal the interaction between vegetation and soil in ecological restoration,and to provide a scientific basis for optimizing vegetation restoration strategies and evaluating restoration effects.The physical and chemical indexes of vegetation and soil with restoration years ranging from 2 to 12 years were selected as the research objects.Vegetation and soil properties in different parts were investigated by comparing with the original landform,and the interaction and mode of action were revealed by correlation analysis.The results show that:1) A total of 51 species were surveyed in the study area,primarily consisting of Asteraceae,Gramineae and Fabaceae,which accounted for 61% of the total plants.2) Plant diversity exhibited significantly change over time,with the number of species first decreasing and then increasing,Margalef and Shannon-Weiner indices also follow this pattern,initially decreasing and then increasing.Pielou and Simpson indices,however,did not show significant change.3) Moderate to strong correlations were observed between plant diversity index and soil physicochemical index,particularly pH and total phosphorus,which had close correlated with plant diversity.4) During the initial stage of restoration,the coordination degree between plant diversity and soil physical and chemical indices increased,then decreased as restoration years increased,and subsequently increased again.The highest coordination degree was observed after 6 years of restoration.Repair measures have a positive effect on the balanced development of both aspect,but continuous maintenance and optimization are necessary to achieve the best coordination level.

Key words: mine dumps, plant diversity, grey relational analysis, coupling analysis
