
林业资源管理 ›› 2012›› Issue (3): 1-5.

• 经营管理 •    下一篇



  1. 国家林业局,北京 100714
  • 出版日期:2012-06-28 发布日期:2020-11-27

Enlightenment from the US State-owned Forest Management System to the Reform of Our State-owned Forestry Region

Training and Investigating Commission of the State-ownedForest Management Systems Reform from Departmentof Forest Resources Management, SFA   

  1. State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100714,China
  • Online:2012-06-28 Published:2020-11-27

摘要: 培训考察团先后访问了美国联邦国有林管理局、美国南部林区(第八区)国有林管理分局、西南林区(第五区)安吉斯林管区和乔治亚州农业厅以及私有林主。美国森林资源丰富,国有林垂直管理体制简单高效,森林经营科学规范。比较了中美两国国有林管理方面的主要差异,分析了我国重点国有林区管理体制存在的问题,以期为我国国有林管理体制改革提供借鉴。

关键词: 国有林区, 管理体制改革, 启示

Abstract: The training and investigation commission has visited the US Federal State-owned Forest Administration、the State-owned Forest Sub-administration in south US forest region(the eighth region)、Angeles National Forest Supervisor's Office in south-west forest region (the fifth region)、Department of Agriculture in Georgia、and some private forest owners. The US is rich in forest resources and its vertical management system for state-owned forest is simple and efficienct, and the forest management is scientific and normative. Comparing the difference of our state-owned forest management with that of US, and analyzing the main problems of our state-owned forest management system, we are more clear and definite on the reforming idea of our state-owned forest management system.

Key words: state-owned forest regions, management systems reform, enlightenment
