
林业资源管理 ›› 2012›› Issue (4): 66-69.

• 科学技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


戚建莉, 柴春山, 芦娟, 王子婷, 薛睿, 王三英, 蔡国军   

  1. 甘肃省林业科学研究院,兰州 730020
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-19 修回日期:2012-04-19 出版日期:2012-08-28 发布日期:2020-11-27
  • 通讯作者: 柴春山(1976-),女,青海互助人,副研究员,硕士,主要从事林木引种和栽培研究。 Email:163chaics@163.com
  • 作者简介:戚建莉(1986-),女,甘肃景泰人,研究实习员,学士,主要从事经济林研究。Email:qjl_602@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Branch and Leaf Phenotypic Diversity of Artificial Xanthoceras sorbifolia Population in Gansu

QI Jianli, CHAI Chunshan, LU Juan, WANG Ziting, XUE Rui, WANG Sanying, CAI Guojun   

  1. Gansu Forestry Science &Technology Research Academy,Lanzhou 730020,Gansu,China
  • Received:2012-03-19 Revised:2012-04-19 Online:2012-08-28 Published:2020-11-27

摘要: 以甘肃定西文冠果人工种群的枝叶为主要研究对象,调查了试验区内59株文冠果枝叶的5个表型性状,利用方差分析和变异系数研究了文冠果枝叶在分布区内不同个体间、不同枝条部位间和不同新梢类型间的变异情况。结果表明:文冠果复叶表型性状在种群内不同个体之间差异极显著(P﹤0.01),且存在着较大的变异幅度,但各性状指标的变异幅度不一致,其变异系数大小依次为小叶长(18.70%)﹥小叶宽(17.96%)﹥复叶长(17.04%)﹥小叶对数(14.14%)﹥小叶数量(13.07%);在不同枝条部位间(顶复叶和侧复叶)复叶特征差异不大且规律不一致,只有小叶宽、小叶对数和小叶数量3个性状指标差异极显著(P﹤0.01);在不同新梢类型间(被毛枝条和无毛枝条)复叶特征差异也较大,除小叶对数差异不显著外(P﹥0.05),其余指标差异均显著(P﹤0.05)或极显著(P﹤0.01)。此外,文冠果新枝类型与植株的抗病虫能力密切相关,其中新枝朱红无毛的植株病虫害很轻,而新枝褐色有毛的植株病虫害非常严重,此特征可作为文冠果植株初步选优的基础。

关键词: 文冠果, 枝叶, 表型性状, 差异性

Abstract: Based on the branches and leaves of artificial Xanthoceras sorbifolia population in Dingxi district of Gansu,5 phenotypic traits were investigated for 59 X.sorbifolia samples in trial area.Phenotypic variation was studied by using variance analysis and variation coefficient,between various individuals,different sections of branch and different branch types.The results showed that there was extremely significant difference (P<0.01)among various phenotypic traits of leaves and there was greater variation among different individuals of X.sorbifolia in trial area,but the variation degree of various phenotypic traits was different and the sequence of variation coefficient of traits is as follows:length of leaflet(18.70%)> width of leaflet(17.96%)> length of compound leaf(17.04%)> pair number of leaflet(14.14%)> amount of leaflet(13.07%); between different sections of branch,the phenotypic traits of leaves had no obvious differences and coincident change law,and only the indicators of width of leaflet,pair number of leaflet and amount of leaflet had very significant differences(P﹤0.01); between the different branch types there was obvious differences among phenotypic traits of leaves,and had significant differences (P﹤0.05)or very significant differences(P﹤0.01)except for pair number of leaflet.Besides,the type of branch was closely correlated to the ability of resisting disease and insects of X.sorbifolia,and the individuals with velutinous scarlet branch strongly resisted diseases and insects,whereas the individuals with brown branches but no velutinous had very serious diseases and insects,these characteristics can be treated as an important indicator for preliminary selection of fine individual of X.sorbifolia.

Key words: Xanthoceras sorbifolia, branch and leaf, phenotypic traits, differentiation
