
林业资源管理 ›› 2012›› Issue (5): 64-68.

• 科学技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄承标1, 黄欣明2, 王汉利3, 陶大燕1, 蒙志海2, 覃生福2, 张永栋2, 刘春娥2   

  1. 1.广西大学 林学院,广西 南宁 530004;
    2.广西田林县乐里林场,广西 田林 533500;
    3.广西林科院,南宁 530001
  • 收稿日期:2012-04-16 修回日期:2012-06-08 出版日期:2012-10-28 发布日期:2020-11-27
  • 作者简介:黄承标(1948-),男,广西靖西人,教授,主要从事森林生态系统的研究工作。Email:biao168491@163.com
  • 基金资助:

The Hydrological Characteristics and Nutrient Accumulation of Litter-fall Layer of the Planted Young Pinus Massoniana Forest

HUANG Chengbiao1, HUANG Xinming2, WANG Hanli3, TAO Dayan1, MENG Zhihai2, QIN Shengfu2, ZHANG Yongdong2, LIU Chune2   

  1. 1. Forestry College,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004;
    2. Guangxi Tianlin County Leli Forest Farm,Tianlin 533500,Guangxi;
    3. Guangxi Academy of Forestry,Nanning 530001,Guangxi,China
  • Received:2012-04-16 Revised:2012-06-08 Online:2012-10-28 Published:2020-11-27

摘要: 为了探明不同林龄马尾松人工林枯枝落叶层现存量、贮水量以及养分贮量的变化规律及其互相之间的关系,在桂西北乐里林场选择3种林龄段马尾松人工林分别建立标准地,对林地枯枝落叶物进行取样测定。结果表明:1)该区9~14a生马尾松人工林枯枝落叶层现存量为3.31~5.64t/hm2,最大净贮水量为4.48~10.19t/hm2,并随林龄的增大而递增。2)林地枯枝落叶层元素养分含量以N,Ca为最大,大约各占10种元素养分总含量的1/3~1/2;Mg,K元素含量次之; Mn,Fe,P,Zn,Cu,B元素含量微小。林地枯枝落叶层养分总贮量为70.66~98.82kg/hm2,随林龄的增大而递增。3)林地枯枝落叶层现存量、最大净贮水量以及元素养分总贮量分别与林龄存在密切的相关性,其回归方程各异。因此,可以根据不同林龄段来预测枯枝落叶层现存量、最大净贮水量和元素养分总贮量。

关键词: 马尾松, 人工幼林, 枯枝落叶层, 水文特性, 养分贮量, 桂西北

Abstract: In order to verify the relationship and regularity among the standing stock,pondage and nutrient accumulation of litter-fall layer of the planted Pinus massoniana forest of by different stand ages,the fixed sample sites of three stand ages were set up for planted Pinus massoniana forest located in Leli Forest Farm in Northwest Guangxi. The woodland litter-fall layer was measured. The results are as follows: (1)The standing stock is 3.31~5.64t/hm2 and the maximum net standing stock is 4.48~10.19t/hm2 from that zone litter-fall layer of the 9 to 14 years old planted Pinus massoniana forest,increasing with the increase of stand age .(2)The element nutrient accumulation amount of N、Ca in the forest land litter-fall layer is largest,each accounting for about ten different elements of the total nutrients of 1/3~1/2,respectively.The element content of Mg、K is the second,but Mn,Fe,P,Zn,Cu and B element content is a little.The total nutrient contents of the woodland litter-fall layer is 70.66~98.82kg/hm2,increasing with the increase of stand age .(3)There are great differences among the standing stock,the maximum net standing stock and the element nutrient total accumulation of forest land litter-fall layer,with the different regression equation .So,we can forecast the standing stock,the maximum net standing stock and the element nutrient total accumulation of forest land litter-fall layer by the different stand ages.

Key words: Pinus massoniana, planted young forest, litter-fall layer, hydrological characteristics, nutrient accumulation, Northwest Guangxi
