
林业资源管理 ›› 2011›› Issue (6): 49-53.

• 科学技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


芦娟, 柴春山, 蔡国军, 王三英, 戚建莉, 王子婷, 薛睿   

  1. 甘肃省林业科学研究院,兰州 730020
  • 收稿日期:2011-09-27 修回日期:2011-10-25 出版日期:2011-12-28 发布日期:2020-12-18
  • 通讯作者: 柴春山(1976-),女,青海互助人,副研究员,硕士,主要从事林业研究。Email:163chaics@163.com
  • 作者简介:芦娟(1983-),女,甘肃人,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事林业研究。Email:93689771@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Phenotypic Diversity of Flowers of Xanthocerassorbifolia Bunge in Dingxi Area of Gansu

LU Juan, CHAI Chunshan, CAI Guojun, WANG Sanying, QI Jianli, WANG Ziting, XUE Rui   

  1. Gansu Academy of Forestry,Lanzhou 730020,Gansu,China
  • Received:2011-09-27 Revised:2011-10-25 Online:2011-12-28 Published:2020-12-18

摘要: 以文冠果花为研究对象,调查了试验区内40株文冠果花的9个表型性状,利用变异系数和方差分析研究了分布区内的变异情况。结果表明,试验区内文冠果花的不同表型性状差异明显,表型性状在不同个体之间存在着较大的变异幅度,其变异系数大小依次为顶花序不孕花数(65.16%)>顶花序孕花数(45.26%)>侧花序长度(32.29%)>顶花序长度(29.28%)>侧花序不孕花数(24.55%)>花瓣横径(20.22%)>花瓣纵径(11.76%)。

关键词: 文冠果, 花序, 表型性状, 差异性

Abstract: 9 phenotypic traits were investigated for 40 Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge.Phenotypic variation was studied by using variance analysis and variation coefficient.The results showed that differentiations among various phenotypic traits of flowers were obvious and there had greater variation among different individuals of X.sorbifolia in trial area,and the sequence of variation coefficient of traits was as follows:sterile flower number of top inflorescence(65.16%)>fertile flower number of top inflorescence(45.26%)>length of side inflorescence(32.29%)>length of top inflorescence(29.28%)>sterile flower number of side inflorescence(24.55%)>horizontal diameter of petal(20.22%)>longitudinal diameter petal(11.76%).

Key words: Xanthoceras sorbifolia, inflorescence, phenotypic traits, differentiation
