
林业资源管理 ›› 2011›› Issue (5): 65-70.

• 科学技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国林业科学研究院 林业研究所 林业新技术研究所,北京 100091
  • 收稿日期:2011-04-08 修回日期:2011-09-08 出版日期:2011-10-28 发布日期:2020-12-21
  • 作者简介:王利兵(1981-),男,内蒙古呼和浩特人,博士,主要从事木本能源植物的开发利用研究。
  • 基金资助:

Resource Investigation and Distribution Pattern of Three Armeniaca Species

WANG Libing   

  1. Research Institute of Forestry/Research Institute of New Technology of Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China
  • Received:2011-04-08 Revised:2011-09-08 Online:2011-10-28 Published:2020-12-21

摘要: 为了更好地开发和利用我国的山杏资源,对我国三种山杏进行了全面系统的调查,确定了具体分布范围,并根据分布区内林分的集中程度和类型进行了分布区划,主要结果如下:1)三种山杏在我国分布区域广阔,其中,西伯利亚杏分布在我国温带和暖温带地区,遍布我国三北地区11个省市区;东北杏在我国分布区域较小,主要分布于东北三省;野杏在我国分布区域最为广阔,遍布暖温带、温带、寒温带及高原亚温带湿润气候区的 20个省市区。2)三种山杏水平分布广,遍及东北、西北、华北和西南绝大多数地区;西伯利亚杏和野杏垂直分布的上限、下限从西到东均呈现降低的趋势,而东北杏垂直分布规律不太明显。3)山杏集中分布区主要在大兴安岭东南麓山前低山丘陵区,该区是开发利用山杏资源的理想地区。

关键词: 山杏, 资源调查, 分布规律, 区划

Abstract: For better exploitation and utilization of wild apricot resources,this study made clear the definite distribution regions in China on the basis of a systematic and comprehensive investigation of its resource distribution,and made regionalization according to the forest stand concentrated degree and types.The results are as follows:(1) Three kinds of wild apricot distribute vastly in our country.The Armeniaca sibirica scatters in warm zone and warm temperate zone in 11 provinces of China.The Armeniaca mandshurica scatters in northeast 3 provinces of China.The geographic distribution of Armeniaca vulgaris var.ansu is most broad and is found everywhere in 20 provinces of China.(2)The wild apricot can be seen in the most regions in northeast,northwest,north and southwest China.The upper and lower bounds of vertical distribution of the Armeniaca sibirica and Armeniaca vulgaris var.ansu appears a trend of gradual fall from west toward east in China,while the trend of Armeniaca mandshurica is not so obvious.(3) The most centralized region of wild apricot in China is distributed in the southeast foot of Daxinganling mountains.It is the best region of development and exploitation of wild apricot.

Key words: Armeniaca spp, resource investigation, distribution pattern, regionalization
