
林业资源管理 ›› 2023›› Issue (4): 27-35.doi: 10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2023.04.004

• 科学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘鑫1(), 黄浪2, 卿东升1,2, 李建军2()   

  1. 1.湖南应用技术学院,湖南 常德 415100
    2.中南林业科技大学,长沙 410004
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-12 修回日期:2023-07-08 出版日期:2023-08-28 发布日期:2023-10-16
  • 通讯作者: 李建军(1970-),男,湖南沅江人,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要研究方向:林业信息智能决策与应用、林业信息工程。Email:lijianjun_21@163.com
  • 作者简介:刘鑫(1982-),女,湖南安乡人,副教授,硕士,主要研究方向:林业信息化、高等教育教学。Email:lusano_710@163.com
  • 基金资助:

A Study on Forest Stand Spatial Structure Intelligent Optimization Based on Voronoi Spatial Unit

LIU Xin1(), HUANG Lang2, QING Dongsheng1,2, LI Jianjun2()   

  1. 1. Hunan Applied Technology University,Changde,Hunan 415100,China
    2. Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410004,China
  • Received:2023-06-12 Revised:2023-07-08 Online:2023-08-28 Published:2023-10-16


使用Voronoi法确定对象木与相邻木存在边缘校正不准确和阈值大小不确定等问题,不利于林分空间结构量化描述。针对这些问题,本研究设定所有距离样地边界线小于0.5 m且不完整的Voronoi单元中的林木为非对象木,并引进对象木与相邻木的距离调控阈值Rmax,修正了Voronoi空间单元在边缘效应处理上存在的对象木和相邻木选取不合理问题。基于修正的Voronoi空间单元,构建了多目标生态采伐方案,并通过蚁群算法进行智能优化。结果表明,调控前20个样地中4个林分空间结构状况相对较差的样地,通过模拟采伐调控后,适应度函数分别提升0.72,0.92,0.93,0.86,证明了该方案对于优化林分空间结构具有较好的效果,可为森林经营决策提供支持工具。

关键词: Voronoi图, 林分空间单元, 森林结构化经营, 蚁群算法, 智能优化


Using the Voronoi method to determine the target tree and neighbourhood tree has the problems of inaccurate edge correction and uncertainty of threshold size,which are not conducive to the quantitative description of the spatial structure of forest stand.To address these problems,this study set all the forest trees in Voronoi units that are less than 0.5 m from the sample plot boundary line and incomplete as non-objective trees,and introduced a regulation threshold Rmax for the distance between the target tree and neighbourhood tree to correct the problem of unreasonable selection of target tree and neighbourhood tree in the processing of edge effects in Voronoi spatial units.Based on the modified Voronoi spatial unit,a multi-objective ecological harvesting scheme was constructed and intelligently optimized by an ant colony algorithm.The results showed that the fitness functions of the four sample plots,M4,M8,M14 and M17,which had relatively poor stand spatial structure conditions among the 20 sample plots before regulation,were improved by 0.72,0.92,0.93 and 0.86,respectively,after regulation by simulated harvesting,which proved that the scheme has a better effect on optimizing the spatial structure of forest stand,and can provide a supportive tool for forest management decisions.

Key words: Voronoi, forest stand spatial unit, ant colony algorithm, intelligent optimization
