
林业资源管理 ›› 2013›› Issue (1): 11-16.

• 综合管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


张贵军1, 张蓬涛1, 张慧2   

  1. 1.河北农业大学 国土资源学院,河北 保定 071001;
    2.河北农业大学 城乡建设学院,河北 保定 071001
  • 收稿日期:2012-11-14 修回日期:2012-11-28 出版日期:2013-02-28 发布日期:2020-11-17
  • 通讯作者: 张蓬涛(1971-),河北保定人,教授,博士,主要从事土地经济与评价研究。Email:zhangpt7528207@126.com
  • 作者简介:张贵军(1974-),女,河北迁安人,讲师,硕士,主要从事国土资源利用与管理方面的研究。Email:zhangguijun19742004@yahoo.com.cn
  • 基金资助:

Suggestions for Consolidating Achievements of Returning Farmland to Forest in the Poverty- stricken Areas around Beijing and Tianjin

ZHANG Guijun1, ZHANG Pengtao1, ZHANG Hui2   

  1. 1. College of Land and Resources,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,Hebei 071000;
    2. College of Urban and Rural Construction,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071001,Hebei Province,China
  • Received:2012-11-14 Revised:2012-11-28 Online:2013-02-28 Published:2020-11-17

摘要: 依据环京津贫困地区31个县的退耕实施情况调查,对退耕过程中存在问题和危机进行了总结和分析,调查表明:复耕意识的存在严重威胁着退耕成果的巩固和退耕二期工程的进一步深入。建议在退耕工程已取得生态成效的基础上,必须将退耕成果的巩固和解决农民生计问题相结合,并站在退耕成果的巩固和退耕农户生计改善角度,提出了相应的建议和措施。

关键词: 环京津贫困地区, 退耕, 生态效果, 农户生计

Abstract: On the basis of investigation on converting farmland to forest in the 31 counties of the poverty-stricken areas around Beijing and Tianjin,the article analyzes the achievements and issues in converting farmland to forest.The survey reflects that the existence of restoring intention will threaten the consolidation of the results of converting farmland to forest and the second phase of the project.The article proposes that it is needed to combine the achievement’s consolidation of converting farmland to forest with antipoverty measures,and puts forward some relevant proposals on the basis of promoting the result of converting farmland to forest and the development of the local economy.

Key words: poverty-stricken areas around Beijing and Tianjin, converting farmland to forest, ecological effects, farmers’ livelihood
