
林业资源管理 ›› 2013›› Issue (5): 72-75.

• 科学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


周宇飞1, 李兴伟1, 李小川1, 岑棓琛2   

  1. 1.广东省林业科学研究院,广州 510520;
    2.广州因赛电子科技有限公司,广州 511458
  • 收稿日期:2013-08-09 修回日期:2013-09-13 出版日期:2013-10-28 发布日期:2020-11-23
  • 作者简介:周宇飞(1980-),男,湖南吉首人,助理研究员,博士,主要从事森林防火、林业GIS科研工作。Email:ttzyftt@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Study on Interference Intelligent Shielding of Infrared Thermal Imager Forest Fire Monitoring

ZHOU Yufei1, LI Xingwei1, LI Xiaochuan1, CEN Beichen2   

  1. 1. Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou 510520,China;
    2. Guangzhou Insight Robotics Company,Guangzhou 511458,China
  • Received:2013-08-09 Revised:2013-09-13 Online:2013-10-28 Published:2020-11-23

摘要: 针对红外热成像仪智能识别林火误报率较高的不足,提出了一种红外热成像仪林火监测干扰源智能屏蔽方法。该方法将红外热成像仪的可视范围以球形分割模型建立全景图,并以编号的形式分割为多个屏蔽单元,生成屏蔽单元地址编码的数据模型,并通过客户端影像信息中的栅格选框与屏蔽单元相互交叠对应来选择屏蔽点,实现对林区已知干扰源区域的屏蔽。该屏蔽技术可极大地减少红外热成像仪林火监测系统的误报率。

关键词: 红外热成像仪, 林火监测, 屏蔽

Abstract: This paper proposes an interference intelligent shielding method to reduce the high false positives rate in infrared thermal imager forest fire monitoring.The method builds the panorama of infrared thermal imager visible range with spherical segmentation model,divides the panorama into a plurality of shielding elements in form of numbers,generates shielding elements into database with address code,selects the shield points by the overlapping corresponding information between client grid box and shielding elements,realizes the shielding of known sources of interference in the forest.The shielding technology can greatly reduce the high false positive rate in infrared thermal imager forest fire monitoring.

Key words: infrared thermal imager, fire monitoring, shielding
