FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2022›› Issue (5): 153-159.doi: 10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2022.05.019
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YANG Liu1(), SHAO Hongyuan1, LI Xiao2, XU Guoqiao2, MA Jiaojiao2, JIA Yanlong1, XU Zhongqi1(
XU Zhongqi;
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YANG Liu, SHAO Hongyuan, LI Xiao, XU Guoqiao, MA Jiaojiao, JIA Yanlong, XU Zhongqi. Rhizosphere Soil Chemical Properties of Different Tree Species in Mountain Areas of Northern Hebei[J]. FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT, 2022, (5): 153-159.
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Characteristics of total nutrients in rhizosphere soil of six tree species
树种 | TC/(mg/g) | TN/(mg/g) | TP/(mg/kg) |
白桦Betula platyphylla | 107.65±2.41a | 8.65±0.37a | 804.60±29.8a |
白榆Ulmus pumila | 87.85±2.08b | 7.55±0.04b | 736.95±17.11b |
胡桃楸Juglans Mandshurica | 80.90±5.50bc | 6.85±0.45bc | 829.60±4.57a |
花楸Sorbus pohuashanensis | 76.90±6.21cd | 6.10±0.57cd | 680.26±17.17c |
华北落叶松Larix principis-rupprechtii | 68.40±1.96d | 5.65±0.20d | 627.35±35.23d |
樟子松Pinus sylvestris | 33.90±3.27e | 2.40±0.16e | 490.52±12.96e |
Characteristics of available nutrients in rhizosphere soil of six tree species mg/kg
树种 | AN | AP | AK | ||
白桦Betula platyphylla | 65.15±1.36ab | 14.20±2.37cd | 331.62±18.27c | 10.90±1.92bc | 54.25±0.56ab |
白榆Ulmus pumila | 67.19±9.35a | 21.83±3.5b | 433.48±3.46a | 9.68±2.08c | 57.51±7.72a |
胡桃楸Juglans Mandshurica | 53.58±5.67bc | 28.50±5.17a | 405.01±6.58b | 4.85±1.05d | 48.73±4.62abc |
花楸Sorbus pohuashanensis | 56.37±2.17abc | 10.55±2.0de | 298.28±3.89d | 13.29±0.83b | 43.09±3.00bc |
华北落叶松Larix principis-rupprechtii | 46.19±9.32c | 12.30±1.9cd | 395.72±0.33b | 9.15±0.49c | 37.04±9.70c |
樟子松Pinus sylvestris | 21.35±0.13d | 5.13±0.41e | 320.71±8.7c | 20.89±0.023a | 0.46±0.11d |
Characteristics of stoichiometric ratio of rhizosphere soil of six tree species
树种 | C/N | C/P | N/P |
白桦Betula platyphylla | 12.46±0.25ab | 128.10± 4.08a | 10.29±0.41a |
白榆Ulmus pumila | 11.64±0.34b | 119.34± 5.60ab | 10.25±0.18a |
胡桃楸Juglans Mandshurica | 11.81±0.07b | 97.56± 7.53c | 8.26±0.59b |
花楸Sorbus pohuashanensis | 12.62±0.17ab | 113.23±10.65abc | 8.98±0.96b |
华北落叶松Larix principis-rupprechtii | 12.11±0.09b | 109.20± 3.02bc | 9.02±0.18b |
樟子松Pinus sylvestris | 14.23±1.94a | 69.34± 8.49d | 4.89±0.29c |
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