
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2007›› Issue (2): 20-24.

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Circulating Economy and the Factors of Developing Circulating Economy in Forest Regions

LI Erbin, JIANG Minyuan   

  1. College of Economy and Management of Northeast Forestry University, Haerbin 150040,Heilongjiang Province, P.R.China
  • Received:2006-10-30 Revised:2007-02-13 Published:2020-12-01

Abstract: Based on the study on circulating economy and circulating economy of forest regions, the papar made an in-depth analysis on the 3R priciples:reduce,reuse and recycle. Besides, this paper has introduced and analysed the 5R ideas:rethinking,reducing,reusing,recycling and repairing. This paper has explained the important significance of the priciples and the ideasin building the circulating economy in forest regions. It points out that the factors of science and technology, legal system construction, resource appraisal and eco-industrial park construction are the main factors of building the circulating economy in forest regions.

Key words: forest region, circulating economy, factors