
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2007›› Issue (3): 7-9.

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Discussion on Reform of Forest Harvesting Management Policy in the Plain Areas of Hebei Province

ZHANG Weiqiang   

  1. Hebei Provincial Forestry Bureau, Shijiazhuang 050081,Hebei Province, China
  • Received:2007-04-10 Revised:2007-05-22 Online:2007-06-28 Published:2020-12-01

Abstract: Based on the main characteristics of forest harvestingand utilization in Hebei plain areas, this paper suggests that forest resources shall be divided into three categories of economic forest, protection timber forest and timber forest, and different harvesting management measures shall be adopted for each forest category.

Key words: plain areas, harvesting management, policyreform, Hebei

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