
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2007›› Issue (5): 53-58.

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Study on Dead Surface Fuel Loading of Pinus tabulaeformis Forest of Badaling Forest Center in Beijing

GUO Lifeng, NIU Shukui, KAN Zhenguo   

  1. The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Forest Conservation of Ministry of Education,Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083, Command College of Four Kinds of Armed Police Forces, Beijing 102202, China
  • Received:2006-10-27 Revised:2007-09-03 Published:2020-12-08

Abstract: The amount of dead surface fuel loading is the main basic cause that forest fire occurs.42 plots of Pinus tabulaeformis forest were surveyed,including landform factors, stand factors and several types of specific forest fuel. The correlative relations among the loading and the effective factorswere analyzed through correlation analysis method.The result shows mean standheight, slope gradient, and altitude are linear correlative with fuel loading, but mean DBH, shade coverage and stand density are not.The predicting models between fuel loading and several factors are set up by linear regression analysis method. The factors except mean DBH are used in the models.The test effect is remarkable, and the predicting models are convenient to other Pinus tabulaeformisforest fuel loading calculation.

Key words: fuel loading, Pinus tabulaeformis forest, stand and landform factors, correlation analysis method, linear regression analysis method

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