
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2010›› Issue (2): 33-37.

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Study on Forest Resource Information interchange System

GAO Xianlian   

  1. Academy of Forest Inventory and Planning, SFA, Beijing 100714, China
  • Received:2010-02-11 Revised:2010-03-04 Published:2020-12-14

Abstract: This paper gives a brief introduction to the technical route of setting up forest resource interchange system in order to link up with forestry resource information interchange system within the framework of China Forestry Informatization Construction Compendium.This paper also presengts a description on the ideas of setting up forest resource interchange system from the detail of sharing information,model of interchanging,interchange software system,technical standards,method of service and management institution.

Key words: forestry informatization, support for application, interchange system, forest resources

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