
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2010›› Issue (2): 78-81.

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Analysis of Forest Inhabited Microhabitats in Succession of Natural Restoration of Karst Forest

YANG Rui, YU Lifei, AN Mingtai   

  1. College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
  • Received:2009-12-30 Revised:2010-04-02 Published:2020-12-14

Abstract: Based on microhabitats and vegetation in karst,the distributing area of microhabitats and forest is analyzed in actual situation.There are different area rates of microhabitats as follows,stony surface>soil surface>stony gully>stony crevice>stony pit>stony cave.With the vegetation succession,the density of trees increases from herbaceous stage to scrub-shrub stage,the density of trees is consistent from shrub-tree stage and the density of trees declines in climax tree stage. Trees are mainly growing in stony crevice and soil surface in the early period of forest restoration. With the development of forest succession,plants can make the best use of all the microhabitats.As a result,the restrictive effects of microhabitats are gradually reduced,the microclimatic change in forest is mainly the restricting condition in the later period of vegetation succession.

Key words: Karst forest, natural restoration, microhabitats

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