FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2011›› Issue (4): 1-5.
• Management and Administration • Next Articles
LI Nanqian1, CHEN Jianwei2
Abstract: In the past,the forest zoning in China was mainly conducted from the perspectives of forest regions and administration. This paper discusses a new approach,namely to divide forest zones in line with forest ecosystems,and proposes to zone China’s forests based on the base band zone theory within the framework of climatic zones with focus on maintaining the integrity of forest ecosystem,including the vegetation type,vegetation formation group and wild plants and animals,from being separated by administrative divisions. A new scheme was proposed,based on which the forests in China are divided into seven zones. Such zoning scheme is not only a new exploration to the forest zoning in China,but also a significant guidance to the development and management of the nature reserves of forest ecosystem type in China.
Key words: forests in China, perspective of ecosystem, new forest zoning
CLC Number:
LI Nanqian, CHEN Jianwei. New Approach of Forest Zoning in China[J]. FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT, 2011, (4): 1-5.
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