
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2011›› Issue (6): 79-82.

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Sustainable Utilization of the Biomass Energy Based on Forest FirePrevention in Pure and Mixed Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations

ZHANG Siyu, CHEN Geping   

  1. Nanjing Forest Police College,Nanjing 210046,China
  • Received:2011-09-20 Revised:2011-11-01 Online:2011-12-28 Published:2020-12-18

Abstract: The fuel load and the bioenergy in the pure Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation,and a mixed Cunninghamia lanceolata- Pinus massoniana,or Schima superba,or Pinus massoniana - Schima superba plantation were surveyed and determined.And the per hectare production of surface bioenergy of four stands was estimated.Results indicated that the fuel load and the bioenergy decreased by the order of Cunninghamia lanceolata- Pinus massoniana,Cunninghamia lanceolata- Pinus massoniana - Schima superba,Cunninghamia lanceolata and Cunninghamia lanceolata- Schima superba plantation.The results further verified that the per hectare production of surface bioenergy of four surveyed plantation will reach 252.81kg,293.81kg,201.56kg,249.39kg of standard coal.The author holds that the bioenergy utilization could take account to the dual goal of preventing forest fire and getting the economic,social and ecological benefits.

Key words: forest fire prevention, Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation, fuel load, bioenergy

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