
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2012›› Issue (1): 48-53.

• Science and Technology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Spatial Structural Characteristics of Pinus massoniana and Broad-leaved Tree Mixed Forest in the Jinyunshan National Nature Reserve in Chongqing City

ZHAO Yangyi1, WANG Keqin1, CHEN Qibo1, WANG Yujie2, WANG Yunqi2, DUAN Xu3   

  1. 1. College of Environment Science and Engineering/ Key Subject of Soil and Water Conservation &Desertification Control,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224;
    2. College of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083;
    3. College of Forestry,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,China
  • Received:2011-11-23 Revised:2011-12-07 Online:2012-02-28 Published:2020-11-27

Abstract: Based on the survey data of a 0.36 hm2 plot in Jinyunshan National Nature Reserve,and by using the uniform angle index,neighborhood comparison and mingling degree,this paper analyzed the spatial structural characteristics of Pinus massoniana and Broad-leaved tree mixed forest in the Reserve.There were 11 populations in the tree layer of the forest,among which P.massoniana and Broad-leaved tree mixed forest had the obvious advantage in population density and basal area,being the typical coniferous forest.The average mingling degree of the forest was 0.817,single species was rarely gathered with mixed forest at a higher degree The neighborhood comparison distribution of the mixed forest was uniform with the stand being stable.Individual associated broad-leaved species,for example,Adinandra bockiana,Neolitea aurata,Euryanitida korthals and Daphniphyllum oldhami,was pressed in the stands.The average mingling degree was 0.485,the spatial pattern of the stand was of random distribution,and the distribution is uniform.

Key words: Pinus massoniana and Broad-leaved tree mixed forest, spatial structure, spatial structure parameter, Jinyun Mountains

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