
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2012›› Issue (5): 39-45.

• Science and Technology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Natural Regeneration Characteristics of Vatica mangachapoi at Different Altitudes in Hainan Island

HAO Qingyu, WANG Gui, LÜ Bing, LIU Qiang   

  1. School of life science,Hainan Normal University,Haikou 571158,Hainan,China
  • Received:2012-05-04 Revised:2012-08-13 Online:2012-10-28 Published:2020-11-27

Abstract: Based on the analysis about the impacts of different altitudes on species composition,structure and community characteristics of Vatica mangachapoi community,the impacts of different altitudes on Vatica mangachapoi natural regeneration were further analyzed.The results showed that the relationships of species composition,Vatica mangachapoi important value,community diversity and regeneration quantities for second-class samplings(2.5cm≤DBH<5cm)with altitudes followed the same trends as trees(DBH≥5cm);tree height distributions for Vatica mangachapoi fist-class samplings(H≥33cm and DBH<2.5cm)were also an inverted J-curve distribution like diameter class distribution;species with stronger natural regeneration ability and competitiveness could be selected based on if the species important values for both trees(DBH≥5cm)and second-class samplings ranked on the top 10,of which Vatica mangachapoi was the species with the strongest natural regeneration ability and competitiveness.In addition,Syzygium rysopodum,Canarium album,Cinnamomum parthenoxylon,Ilex hainanensis and Garcinia oblongifolia in Mt.Diaoluo higher altitude area,and Croton laevigatus,Syzygium araiocladum,Suregada glomerulata,Gonocaryum maclurei,Phyllochlamys taxoides,Garcinia oblongifolia in Sanya medium altitude area were all the species with stronger natural regeneration ability and competitiveness.

Key words: natural regeneration, Vatica mangachapoi, species selection, Hainan Island

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