
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2013›› Issue (1): 102-107.

• Technical Application • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on Forest Fire Risk Zone Mapping for Shangri-La Based on RS and GIS

YANG Congrui, ZHAO Kairui, LÜ Sitong, SHU Qingtai   

  1. Forestry College,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming,Yunnan 650224,China
  • Received:2012-12-01 Revised:2012-12-25 Online:2013-02-28 Published:2020-11-17

Abstract: In the present study,Shangri-la,which is the core of three parallel rivers,was taken as a research area and TM images,forest resources survey data,stock state map and DEM selected as the sources of intelligence.On the basis of analyzing the forest fire risk factor of Shangri-La,the forest fire risk in Shangri-La area was quantified by the factors including vegetation type,aspect,slope,altitude and settlement buffer area.The circumstances of forest fire risk were quantified by the RS,GIS and factor-weights union method,the investigating area were divided into low,moderate and high fire danger zones.The investigating results show that:the low,moderate,and high fire danger zones take up 12.96%,47.85%,and 38.87% of the total investigating area respectively,the moderate and high fire danger zones hold a strikingly high proportion,indicating that the forest Forest fire task is heavy.Most of high fire danger zones are flammable tree area and the dense populated residential areas.Tree species combustibility and human factors are the important factors of the forest fire.The results will provide technical support to the releated departments of forest fire control.

Key words: fire risk zone, fire factor, RS, GIS

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