
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2013›› Issue (1): 17-21.

• Integrated Management and Administration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis on Walnut Production Volatility in Hebei Province

WEI Yuanyuan, ZONG Yixiang, XU Shangli, YANG Yongming   

  1. Economics and Trade College,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,071001,P.R.China
  • Received:2012-09-17 Revised:2012-11-07 Online:2013-02-28 Published:2020-11-17

Abstract: This article,firstly,analyzes the walnut production in Hebei Province based on the annual statistics and secondly,calculates the association degree between walnut production,yield and fruit bearing area,and finds that the association degree between production and fruit bearing area is higher than the association degree between production and yield.At last,a research is conducted on the short-term and long-term fluctuations of walnut production and it's found that three years experiences a volatile period and the long-term volatility of the fruit bearing area is greater than long-term volatility of the yields.

Key words: Hebei Province, walnut, fruit bearing area, production yield

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