
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2013›› Issue (1): 49-52.

• Scientific Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Evaluation of the Forest Ecosystem Service Values in the Mountainous Areas of North Hebei Province

ZHANG Chunru1, CHEN Bo2, ZHANG Wei2, YANG Xinbing2, CHEN Yanqin3   

  1. 1. Mulan Forestry Administration of Hebei Province,Wei Chang,068450 Hebei;
    2. College of Forestry,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,071000,China;
    3. Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College,Linzhi,Tibet,860000,China
  • Received:2012-07-11 Revised:2012-11-07 Online:2013-02-28 Published:2020-11-17

Abstract: This paper takes the forest ecosystem of the mountainous region in north Hebei province as the research object,evaluates the ecosystem service values by using the industry standards of the People’s Republic of China(LY/T 1721-2008):Specification for Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Services.The results show that the annual service value of the forest ecosystem has reached to RMB 57.913 billion yuan/a,of which about RMB 29,409 billion yuan/a is for water-holding,RMB 14,28 billion yuan/a for CO2 fixation and O2 release,RMB 8,737 billion yuan/a for species conservation,RMB 2,720 billion yuan/a for soil protection,RMB 2,504 billion yuan/a for nutrients accumulation,RMB 0.195 billion yuan/a for atmosphere purification,RMB 0.067 billion yuan/a for recreation and ecotourism.Wherein,Manchurian walnut,linden and birch service value per unit area is the largest.

Key words: mountains of north Hebei province, forest ecosystem service function, value assessment

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