
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2013›› Issue (1): 58-61.

• Scientific Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on Arbor Biomass and Carbon Storage in Nanyang Water Source Area of the Middle Section of the South to North Water Transfer Project

GUO Zhansheng   

  1. anyang Forest Surveying and Designing Management Station,Nanyang 473000 China
  • Received:2012-09-20 Revised:2012-11-06 Online:2013-02-28 Published:2020-11-17

Abstract: In this study,we used regression equation between biomass of various tree species and volume,took carbon-included reat in different tree species as the transferring coefficient from biomass to carbon stock.The arbor biomass and carbon storage in Nnanyang Water Source area of the middle section of the South to North Water Transfer Project were estimated based on original Forest Resource Inventory Data of Henan Province in 2007.The results showed that the total arbor biomass is 2212.25×104 t,the total carbon storage is 1103.35×104t.Carbon storage of the broad leaf forests is more that 96.5% of total arbor forests in this area and that of deciduous oaks is the most,acounting for 82.1%,the carbon storage of young aged forests is 916.6×104t,accounts for 83.3% of the total timber tree species biomass carbon storage in the areas;The average carbon density of arbor forest is 22.08t/hm2.

Key words: arbor forest, biomass, biomass expansion factor, carbon storage, carbon density

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