
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2013›› Issue (2): 46-50.

• Integrated Management and Administration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Impact of Development of Modern Electronic Weighing Technology on Forest Yield Measurement

XUE Xiukang   

  1. Academy of Forest Inventory and Planning,State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100714,China
  • Received:2013-01-07 Revised:2013-03-12 Published:2020-11-19

Abstract: This paper reviews the history of the development of measurement technology in forest harvesting and yield,analyzes the prospects for the development and application of modern electronic weighing technology,and points out the limitations of pricing wood and wood products in terms of volume and the advantages of pricing them by weight.It reveals that the denominated phenomenon of pricing wood and wood products by weight rather than volume on the current market has its historical inevitability.Unlike its traditional way,the modern way of measuring and pricing of timber by weight is more objective,more accurate,faster and more efficient,thus significantly reduces costs.As a result,it has won the favor of the parties in the trade of timber,especially those who engage in the management of industrial plantations for paper & pulp or other raw materials,carbon sink trade.A wide range of potential application of marketing and trading timber and related products by weight is forecasted.

Key words: forest harvesting and yield, pricing, volume, weight

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