
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2021›› Issue (1): 11-16.doi: 10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.01.002

• Integrated Management and Administration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Practice and Enlightenment of the Central and Local Cooperation to Build National Reserve Forest Project—Take the Chongqing National Reserve Forest Project as an example

LUO Lian()   

  1. Chongqing Forestry Investment and Development Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing,401121,China
  • Received:2020-10-20 Revised:2020-12-18 Online:2021-02-28 Published:2021-03-30


The implementation of the national reserve forest project is a vivid practice of the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.It is an important way to maintain national ecological security and a vital opportunity for the forestry industry to go through transformation and upgrading to high-quality development.The construction of the national reserve forest requires a large amount of funds,but the traditional financial investment is far from meeting the demand.The government is expected to encourage market entities to use development and policy capital to build the national reserve forest.This paper tries to analyze the the central and local cooperation in building national reserve forests in recent years,and based on the research on the innovation mechanism of the national reserve forest project in Chongqing,policy suggestions focusing on public welfare,people's livelihood and innovation are proposed to improve relevant industry policies.

Key words: national reserve forest, ecological safety, central and local cooperation, poverty alleviation, policy suggestions

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