FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2022›› Issue (3): 81-88.doi: 10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2022.03.013
• Scientific Research • Previous Articles Next Articles
JIA Jingmo1(), SUN Zhao2, GUI Xinru1, MAO Liang1(
MAO Liang;maoliang7802@163.coms
CLC Number:
JIA Jingmo, SUN Zhao, GUI Xinru, MAO Liang. Simulation of Landscape Pattern of Agricultural and Forestry Land in Hegang City Based on Ann-CA-Markov Model[J]. FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT, 2022, (3): 81-88.
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Area transfer matrix in landscape pattern from 2000 to 2010km2
景观类型 | 2010年类型 | 2000年总计 | ||||||
森林 | 耕地 | 草地 | 湿地 | 水体 | 人造地表 | |||
2000年 类型 | 森林 | 4449.1960 | 82.2055 | 533.7474 | 1.8849 | 7.0716 | 4.6657 | 5078.7711 |
耕地 | 69.9041 | 6581.0981 | 73.2963 | 6.3123 | 8.4917 | 39.1253 | 6778.2278 | |
草地 | 509.9547 | 82.0674 | 1018.4451 | 5.8876 | 19.8954 | 17.8357 | 1654.0858 | |
湿地 | 4.9484 | 13.6082 | 3.9699 | 503.4648 | 29.8817 | 0.0101 | 555.8830 | |
水体 | 8.3161 | 8.2903 | 7.2320 | 17.8797 | 292.1685 | 0.4614 | 334.3480 | |
人造地表 | 4.7259 | 30.1235 | 10.1079 | — | 0.9502 | 251.4090 | 297.3165 | |
2010年总计 | 5047.0451 | 6797.3929 | 1646.7985 | 535.4294 | 358.4592 | 313.5072 | 14698 |
Area transfer matrix in landscape pattern from 2010 to 2020km2
景观类型 | 2020年类型 | 2010年总计 | ||||||
森林 | 耕地 | 草地 | 湿地 | 水体 | 人造地表 | |||
2010年 类型 | 森林 | 4406.8893 | 94.8103 | 519.0942 | 11.6773 | 10.4644 | 4.3397 | 5047.2753 |
耕地 | 65.7464 | 6379.7236 | 79.8451 | 213.0910 | 7.3263 | 52.0560 | 6797.7884 | |
草地 | 541.2846 | 71.7170 | 1010.2380 | 4.4787 | 9.4855 | 9.5112 | 1646.7150 | |
湿地 | 1.6016 | 4.3481 | 3.5300 | 502.7510 | 23.3454 | 0.0090 | 535.7458 | |
水体 | 6.3803 | 5.2342 | 5.9394 | 22.2166 | 317.0017 | 0.5908 | 359.2585 | |
人造地表 | 4.1437 | 24.4121 | 6.1560 | 18.9424 | 0.7121 | 259.2204 | 313.5867 | |
2020年总计 | 5026.0459 | 6580.2454 | 1624.8028 | 773.1570 | 368.3354 | 325.7270 | 14698 |
Area transfer matrix in landscape pattern from 2020 to 2030km2
景观类型 | 2030年类型 | 2020年总计 | ||||||
森林 | 耕地 | 草地 | 湿地 | 水体 | 人造地表 | |||
2020年 类型 | 森林 | 5029.9056 | 0.0567 | 0.0243 | 0.0081 | — | — | 5029.9947 |
耕地 | 0.0243 | 6571.6064 | — | 0.0243 | — | 0.0081 | 6571.8656 | |
草地 | — | 0.081 | 1626.3909 | 0.0162 | 0.0081 | 0.0162 | 1626.5124 | |
湿地 | — | 0.0243 | — | 775.1538 | 0.0810 | 0.0648 | 775.3239 | |
水体 | — | 0.0081 | — | 0.0891 | 370.9071 | 0.0243 | 371.0286 | |
人造地表 | — | 1.1259 | — | 14.4747 | 6.1641 | 304.1145 | 325.8792 | |
2030年总计 | 5029.9299 | 6572.9024 | 1626.4152 | 789.9687 | 377.1603 | 304.2279 | 14698 |
Index of landscape patterns in landscape level from 2000 to 2030
年份 | 景观面积TA | 斑块数量NP | 斑块密度PD | 最大斑块指数LPI | 景观丰度PR | 香浓均匀度指数SHEI | ||||||
2000 | 1474215 | 157292 | 10.6695 | 35.3449 | 6 | 0.6477 | ||||||
2010 | 1471269 | 147946 | 10.0557 | 28.1412 | 6 | 0.7021 | ||||||
2020 | 1465767 | 155255 | 10.5921 | 34.3237 | 6 | 0.6708 | ||||||
2030 | 1465782 | 155285 | 10.5966 | 34.3598 | 6 | 0.6728 |
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