
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2012›› Issue (1): 54-60.

• Science and Technology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Niche of Dominant Species Population in Castanopsis hystrix Forest in Wantian,Guilin

XIE Yanjun, HE Lanjun, LIU Mingchao, CHEN Zhilin, LIANG Shuchao, XIE Qiang   

  1. College of Life Sciences,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 541004,Guangxi,China
  • Received:2011-09-26 Revised:2011-10-25 Online:2012-02-28 Published:2020-11-27

Abstract: A field plot sampling method was employed to investigate community niche of Castanopsis hystrix forest in Wantian,and parameters of niche breadth (Levins index,Hurbert index,Feinsinger index),niche similarity,niche overlap were calculated to show community characteristics of 20 dominant species when the ecological suggestions of result were analyzed.The result showed that with the Levins index,Hurbert index and Feinsinger index,the result of niche breadths of the dominant species were almost the same;Castanopsis hystrix,Psychotria rubra and Asplenium normale niche breadth value being biggest proves that adaptive capacity to community's environment and the ability to use resources is the stongest;The niche similarities between dominant species population in Castanopsis hystrix forest in Wantian were much greater,and 109 sets for Castanopsis hystrix forest had the niche similarities(Cih) greater than 0.4,accounting for 57.4%,which shows that dominant species population in Castanopsis hystrix forest used similarly resource space and similarly ecological factors they occupy.The niche similarities between dominant species population increased with niche breadth.Between Castanopsis hystrix and Schefflera pauciflora,Psychotria rubra and Ardisia quinquegona,similarity values(Chi) were 0.7097 and 0.7416,respectively.The niche overlaps between dominant species population in Castanopsis hystrix forest in Wantian were much lower,which suggests less fierce interspecies competition in the forest,representing a stable community of the Castanopsis hystrix forest in Wantian.

Key words: Castanopsis hystrix forest, niche breadth, niche similarity, niche overlap

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