
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2012›› Issue (2): 90-95.

• Science and Technology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Investigation and Analysis of Wild Plant Resources in Natural Wetland of Binhai New District,Tianjin

REN Jianwu1, TIAN Cuijie3, HU Qing1, BIN Yubo1, BAI Weilan2   

  1. 1. College of Biological Science and Technology,Beijing Forestry University,Haidian 100083,Beijing,China;
    2. China Architecture Design Group,Xicheng 100120,Beijing,China;
    3. Dagang Agricultural Technology Center of Binhai New District,Dagang 300270,Tianjin,China
  • Received:2012-02-04 Revised:2012-03-29 Online:2012-04-28 Published:2020-11-27

Abstract: Based on investigating natural wetland plant community of Binhai New District in Tianjin,and calculating the important values of the dominant species pertinent to every community,the study on wetland plant communities and their distribution was carried out.Moreover,the relation between wetland plant communities and the main environment factors was analyzed by means of Canonical Correspondence Analysis.The results showed that:(1)Together with distance to water,the salt content and pH value in soil were the major environment elements which controlled the distribution of wetland plant communities in Binhai New District;(2)There was correlation between the three main environment factors,and the distance to water redistributed the soil physicochemical factors in terms of quantities,which resulted in the existing situation of wetland plants;(3)The distribution of the dominant species was resemble to the one of plots,and the distribution of the dominant species decided the structure of different types of communities to some extend.

Key words: Binhai New District, wetland, dominant species, Canonical Correspondence Analysis

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