
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2012›› Issue (3): 138-140.

• New Developments in Other Countries • Previous Articles    

Study on the Use of the Tottori Sand Dune

WANG Yuechan1, LI Zhiyao2, YAN Xueyan1   

  1. Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083;Liaoning Forestry Vocationai-technical College 110101;Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China
  • Received:2012-05-15 Revised:2012-05-25 Online:2012-06-28 Published:2020-11-27

Abstract: The Tottori Sand Dune is one of the most famous sand dunes in Japan. As a precious natural resource, the dunes are used and developed by people for many years. The Arid Land Research Center has been built in Tottori for researches about the Tottori Sand Dune, in order to solve the problems of arid deserts in not only Japan but also other countries including China. The planting of macrostem onions has brought both economic benefits and environmental benefits. At the same time, the Tottori Sand Dune is also a famous tourist attraction which is protected as a rare desert in Japan.

Key words: the Tottori Sand Dune, research and utilization, macrostem onion, the Arid Land Research Center of Tottori

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