
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2012›› Issue (4): 55-61.

• Science and Technology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Interspecific Association of the Main Plant Population of the Barren Hillsides in the Arid Valley of the Upper Reaches of the Minjiang River

YANG Zisong   

  1. Department of Chemistry and Biology Science,Aba Teachers College,Aba 623002,Sichuan,China
  • Received:2012-03-30 Revised:2012-05-11 Online:2012-08-28 Published:2020-11-27

Abstract: In the barren hillsides of the arid valley of the upper reach of the Minjiang River,the interspecific association of the main pant populations was studied .The data displayed that the overall correlation of all plant species is significantly positive,the interspecific association is common but not significant between the species and the number of the positive was obviously less than the not.

Key words: interspecific association, barren hillsides, arid valley, the upper reach of Minjiang River

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