
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2007›› Issue (5): 5-8.

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Coastal Wetland Resources Conservation in China

WANG Jianchun1, LI Chunyu2   

  1. 1. The Forestry Bureau of Cangshan County, Cangshan 27700,Shandong Province;
    2. General Forest Workstation of Beijing, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2007-02-23 Revised:2007-08-13 Published:2020-12-08

Abstract: There are rich wetland resources in coastal areas andthe total area is up to 6.2 276mln hm2, with the function of defense of tsunami & storm tide, protection of coastal line, prevention of the invasion of salt water,and beautification of environment.At present, the wetlands in coastal area aresubject to some serious threats such as reclamation, pollution and over-exploitation of natural resources.All the threats have resulted in the continuous degradation, even loss of wetlands, and the situation can't meet the requirement of ecological security of coastal areas. Facing the problems mentioned above,the conservation strategy of coastal wetlands and the coastal wetland conservation and restoration program should be implemented, and the improvement of legislation on wetlands and capacity building of relevant institutions should be enhanced as soon as possible.

Key words: wetland resources, coastal area, threats, conservationcountermeasure

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