
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2010›› Issue (4): 22-26.

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Analysis on Community Structures and Spatial Patterns of Castanopsis fordii in Nanling Region of Hunan

XU Yongfu, CAO Fuxiang, YU Xunlin, QI Chengjing   

  1. College of Forestry, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
  • Received:2010-04-13 Revised:2010-07-07 Published:2020-12-14

Abstract: Based on the investigation of community sample plots ofCastanopsis fordii in Nanling region of Hunan,the Castanopsis fordii community of horizontal structure,vertical structure,population age-class structure,spatial distribution pattern and dynamics were separately researched and analyzed.The results show that the spatial pattern of Castanopsis fordii community is aggregated distribution,but because of vandalism its population structure is more simplistic and weak in self-renewal.Finally,the suggestions on protection and development of Castanopsis fordii resources were made.

Key words: Castanopsis fordii, community structures, spatial distribution pattern, Hunan

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