
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2010›› Issue (4): 49-53.

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Comparative Study on Forest Landscape Pattern Diversity in Different Seasons for the Northern Section of Gaoligong Mountains

KONG Dechang   

  1. Kunming Branch of Yunnan Forest Inventory and Planning Institute, Kunming 650200, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2010-03-02 Revised:2010-07-15 Published:2020-12-14

Abstract: Due to resource exhaustion and environmental degradation,natural resources and biodiversity conservation has become globally hot issues.In order to protect the species,the mechanism maintaining biodiversity,at the landscape level,must be studied,and countermeasures and methods at the landscape level must be also developed.In this paper,comparative study on forest landscape pattern diversity in different seasons for the northern section of Gaoligong Mountains was implemented with the Affinity Measure Methods.Results showed that the distribution of species diversity was in a significant correlation with altitude,which was significantly different from the results of the affinity analysis.Meanwhile,three zones divided on the basis of average affinity values in spring were obviously different from that in summer.These differences mainly come from quadrat setting,investigation time,and uneven distribution of species within the quadrat.

Key words: the northern section of Gaoligong Mountains, Affinity Measure Methods, Simpson's index, environmental heterogeneity

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