
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2011›› Issue (6): 41-44.

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The Metrological Research of Carbon Sequestrationbenefits of main forest types in Daqing Mountains

WANG Dongzhi1, ZHANG Qiuliang1, ZHANG Dongyan2, WU Wenjing3   

  1. 1. Forestry College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Inner Mongolia,Hohhot,010018,China;
    2. Business College of Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,071001,China;
    3. Soil and Fertilizer Station of Hengshui,HengShui,053000,China
  • Received:2011-09-07 Revised:2011-10-11 Online:2011-12-28 Published:2020-12-18

Abstract: In this paper,the proportion of dominant trees,standard trees and pressed trees was identified and by using the biomass and tally methods the amount of carbon sequestration and the carbon sequestration of shrubs and herbaceous plants were calculated.The results show that larch forest carbon sequestration obtained was 106.37t/hm2,understory shrubs and herbaceous plants obtained was 11.83t/hm2 and 8.95t/hm2.Larch forest carbon sink capacity was 127.15t/hm2.It is of impotant significance to improving the forest structure and gaining significant ecological benefits by the effective measurement of carbon sequestration of Larch in Daqing mountains.

Key words: larch, biomass, carbon sequestration, measurement

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