FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2019›› Issue (6): 101-107.doi: 10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2019.06.018
• Scientific Research • Previous Articles Next Articles
FENG Xiaochuan1(), CAO Xinguang2(
), JU Wenhua3, LIU kaimei4
CAO Xinguang;
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FENG Xiaochuan, CAO Xinguang, JU Wenhua, LIU kaimei. A Study on Community Characteristics of Forest Soil Bacteria in Lushan National Nature Reserve[J]. FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT, 2019, (6): 101-107.
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Basic information of sample sites
样品编号 | 取样位置 | 经纬度 | 海拔/m | 土壤类型 | 森林植被类型 | 主要层优势植物 |
HHP-H1 | 好汉坡 | 29°35'57″N,115°59'15″E | 570 | 山地黄壤 | 常绿阔叶林 | 微毛柃、大青、青冈 |
HHP-H2 | 好汉坡 | 29°35'45″N,115°39'11″E | 680 | 山地黄壤 | 常绿阔叶林 | 微毛柃、大青、青冈 |
HHP-H3 | 好汉坡 | 29°35'33″N,115°59'09″E | 776 | 山地黄壤 | 常绿阔叶林 | 微毛柃、大青、青冈 |
HLS-H4 | 黄龙寺 | 29°33'06″N,115°57'50″E | 975 | 山地黄棕壤 | 常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 | 毛竹、小叶白辛树、樟树 |
DYS-H5 | 大月山 | 29°33'53″N,115°59'04″E | 1250 | 山地棕壤 | 针阔混交林 | 短柄枹、花柏;微毛柃 |
WLF-H6 | 五老峰 | 29°32'55″N,116°00'49″E | 1350 | 山地棕壤 | 针叶林 | 黄山松、杜娟 |
Estimated OUT richness,diversity indices and estimated sample coverage for 16S rRNA libraries of Antarctic soil samples
样品编号 | 优化序列 | OTUs数/个 | Chao 1指数 | Simpson指数 | Shannon指数 |
HHP-H1 | 23031 | 342 | 375.454 | 0.972 | 6.266 |
HHP-H2 | 25314 | 343 | 352.282 | 0.980 | 6.520 |
HHP-H3 | 22071 | 346 | 355.692 | 0.973 | 6.331 |
HLS-H4 | 22947 | 366 | 382.912 | 0.985 | 6.856 |
DYS-H5 | 21144 | 325 | 340.857 | 0.976 | 6.433 |
WLF-H6 | 22206 | 360 | 384.972 | 0.981 | 6.630 |
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