
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2011›› Issue (4): 127-130.

• Science and Technology • Previous Articles    

Research and Application of the Calculation Method of Carbon Sequestration of Chinese Fir Stand

LIU Diqin, DAI Jingsheng, XI Limin, FAN Guiliang   

  1. Forestry Bureau of Taojiang County,Taojiang 413400,Hunan Province,China
  • Received:2011-05-18 Revised:2011-07-10 Online:2011-08-28 Published:2020-12-21

Abstract: To meet the requirements of forest management and carbon sequeseration trade development,the data of forest management inventory in Taojiang county were used for calculating the amount,value and dynamics of carbon sequestration in the subcompartments of Chinese fir. The results show that the calculation is simple and of practical use. By using this method,the area of subcompartments and stand density,the dynamics of carbon sequestration of the stands in the subcompartments can be predicted for a certain period of time in future.

Key words: Chinese fir, stand, carbon sequestration, subcompartment, information management

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