FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2021›› Issue (4): 69-78.doi: 10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2021.04.010
• Scientific Research • Previous Articles Next Articles
QING Dongsheng1,2,3(), ZHANG Jiang1, LI Jianjun1(
), PENG Jinxiang2, LIU Shuai1
LI Jianjun;
CLC Number:
QING Dongsheng, ZHANG Jiang, LI Jianjun, PENG Jinxiang, LIU Shuai. Research on the Difference of Mingling Degree under Different Selection Schemes of Adjacent Trees[J]. FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT, 2021, (4): 69-78.
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Plot size and number of trees
林分类型 | 编号 | 样地大小 | 株数/株 | 株密度/(株/hm2) |
聚集分布 | AM1 | 20m×20m | 58 | 1450 |
AM2 | 58 | 1450 | ||
AM3 | 72 | 1800 | ||
AM4 | 53 | 1325 | ||
AM5 | 49 | 1225 | ||
AM6 | 53 | 1325 | ||
AM7 | 75 | 1875 | ||
AM8 | 64 | 1600 | ||
AM9 | 57 | 1425 | ||
随机分布 | BM1 | 20m×20m | 68 | 1700 |
BM2 | 73 | 1825 | ||
BM3 | 59 | 1475 | ||
BM4 | 79 | 1975 | ||
BM5 | 55 | 1375 | ||
BM6 | 64 | 1600 | ||
BM7 | 62 | 1550 | ||
BM8 | 65 | 1625 | ||
BM9 | 40m×40m | 131 | 819 | |
均匀分布 | CM1 | 20m×20m | 88 | 2200 |
CM2 | 18m×25m | 64 | 1422 | |
CM3 | 25m×25m | 64 | 1024 | |
CM4 | 25m×25m | 49 | 784 | |
稀疏分布 | DM1 | 20m×20m | 33 | 825 |
DM2 | 25m×25m | 34 | 544 | |
DM3 | 50m×50m | 72 | 288 | |
DM4 | 18m×20m | 25 | 694 | |
DM5 | 100m×100m | 429 | 429 | |
DM6 | 50m×50m | 45 | 180 | |
DM7 | 20m×20m | 36 | 900 | |
DM8 | 25m×25m | 34 | 544 | |
DM9 | 60m×60m | 46 | 128 |
The average correlation of different forest types under different adjacent tree selection schemes
林分类型 | 基于半径R圆VS 基于Voronoi图(相关系数R2的值) | 基于“1+4”最邻近相邻木VS 基于Voronoi图(相关系数R2的值) | 基于“1+4”最邻近相邻木VS 基于半径R圆(相关系数R2的值) | 相关系数 R2的平均值 |
聚集分布 | 0.62 | 0.71 | 0.66 | 0.66 |
随机分布 | 0.37 | 0.62 | 0.48 | 0.49 |
均匀分布 | 0.71 | 0.81 | 0.75 | 0.76 |
稀疏分布 | 0.16 | 0.61 | 0.21 | 0.33 |
相关系数 R2的平均值 | 0.47 | 0.69 | 0.53 |
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