
FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2013›› Issue (4): 16-22.

• Integrated Management and Administration • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Investigation on Livelihoods and Utilization of Land of Farmers Converting Cropland in the Poverty-stricken Area around Beijing

ZHANG Pengtao, GE Zhichao, ZHANG Guijun, YANG Hao   

  1. College of Land and Resources,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,Hebei 071001,China
  • Received:2013-05-20 Revised:2013-05-27 Online:2013-08-28 Published:2020-11-23

Abstract: The implementation of the first phase cropland conversion project in the poverty-stricken area around Beijing has caused the changes of land use,social and economic development and ecological environment in this region significantly. Meanwhile,the people’s livelihood issues in the region has also attracted great attention. In 2013,cropland conversion has entered the second phase. In order to learn about the current situation of the farmers’ livelihoods and the utilization of land in the poverty-stricken area around the capital,a large number of questionnaires and interviews were carried out in the poverty-stricken area and analysis made on farmers livelihoods after their cropland’s conversion and land-use behaviors so as to provide a reference for the sustainable development of local social economy and ecology. The results show that intensive and extensive land uses exsit in farmers’ land utilization, agricultural internal structure has changed from traditional planting industry to comprehensive developmemt consisting of agriculture,forestry,fishery and animal husbandry; the employment of rural labor force has been converted from the first industry to the second and third industries; farmers’ income has been changed from farming oriented to non-farming oriented and income of farm household per year has increased 3.36 times. However,farmers’ livelihood diversification is still in its infancy and there exsit many problems. It still needs the government to pay attention to the public infrastructure of cropland conversion area,improvement of the level of education,strengthening of vocational training,widening the channel of information and promoting credit and cooperation management to realize the sustainable development of farmers’ livelihoods.

Key words: poverty-stricken areas around the capital, cropland’s conversion, farmers’livelihood, land use

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