
Table of Content

    28 October 2017, Issue 5
    Integrated Management and Administration
    Suggestions on Strengthening the Supervision of Forest Resources in China
    FENG Lei, LIU Fen, PAN Zili
    2017,(5):  1-3.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.001
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    From the point of view of the new situation facing the new task of forest resources supervision,this paper raises the main problems of forest resources supervision such as low functional orientation and the lagging system construction,backward supervision methods and lack of talents.It puts forward some specific problem oriented countermeasures and suggestions on strengthening the forest resources supervision mechanism functions,innovating system mechanism,improving the mode of supervision,strengthening the construction of talent team and improving laws and regulations etc..

    Analysis and Research on Some Problems of Forest Harvesting Management
    OUYANG Junxiang, LI Yuhao, WU Xiaoqun, CAO Juan
    2017,(5):  4-5.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.002
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    The forest harvesting management system based on harvesting quota management as the core has played a historic important role in ensuring the continuous growth of forest quantity and the continuous improvement of forest quality in our country.In recent years,because of the insufficient understanding of the connotation of forest harvesting management,there are different views on the current forest harvesting quota system and the timber transportation system in our society.In this paper,some hot spots,difficulties and focuses of the forest harvesting management are thoroughly analyzed,and at the same times we have put forward some countermeasures and suggestions so as to provide reference for improving our harvesting management policy,and strengthening and regulating the harvesting management.

    Present Situation Analysis and Countermeasures of Forest Management Personnel’s Education and Training
    WU Xuerui
    2017,(5):  9-13.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.003
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    Talent is an important driving force for the construction of ecological civilization and the modernization of forestry,and also important support for accurate improving forest quality through forest management. In view of the shortage of professional talents,inadequate training system and training foundation for forest management,and combining the talent training program of forest management of the State Forestry Administration and technical training for forest management,this paper analyzes the talent education training status both domestically and overseas,talent education training program of forest management and the effect of forest management training,and gives the countermeasures and suggestions for forest management talent construction。

    Status Quo,Challenges and Strategies of National Forest City Development in China
    WU Houjian, DAN Xinqiu, CHENG Hong, WU Zhaobai, LIU Shihao, WU Xiebao, WANG Haoqiong
    2017,(5):  14-19.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.004
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    The construction of forest cities has risen to the national strategy of China. Strengthening the construction of forest cities has become an important part of ecological civilization construction in China in the future. This paper analyzes the development status quo and the development course of national forest cities in China,which is divided into 3 stages:initial exploration,standardized promotion and vigorous development. Based on the analysis of the problems and challenges in the process of the construction and development of national forest cities in China,the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are separately put forward from level of management,level of construction and level of planning and research,in order to provide reference for the healthy and sustainable development of national forest cities in China.

    Scientific Research
    Study on the Deep Integration and Practice of Forest Resource Investigation and Information Technology in Northeast and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China
    GAO Jinping, GAO Xianlian, SUN Zhongqiu, LIU Jinli, LI Han
    2017,(5):  20-27.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.005
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    The management inventory of forest resources is the basic work of establishing local forest resource data file and compiling forest management plan.At present,more and more new technologies and methods are applied to forest resource planning and design investigation.But there are still some problems,such as insufficient functional integration of technology and business,the business processes are out of touch with each other,satellite remote sensing and other emerging technology methods have not been fully excavated and applied.This paper combines the requirement of management inventory of forest resources,and develops the information service platform of management inventory of forest resources results.The platform realizes the unity of management inventory of forest resources data flow and service flow,solves the problem that the traditional software can not integrate the field investigation,the industry quality inspection,the results of statistics and other functions.In addition,the platform achieves 3D GIS,simulation,mass storage and ground investigation,models of trees and other survey results integration applications.The results of this research have been applied to 2016—2018 management inventory of forest resources in northeast Inner mongolia key state-owned forest area.

    Exploration of Structure Stability Optimization about Plantation Landscape from Perspective of Complex Network
    LI Rui, LI Jiping, ZHANG Lili
    2017,(5):  28-34.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.006
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    Using the dividing method of sub-compartment level,the sub-compartment is treated as “individual tree”,the sub-compartment as stand between adjacent sub-compartment stands in the edge effect approximately simulates “individual tree” and “individual tree” space position relation,GIS is used to build the forest coupling system.Through complex coupling network,the network was abstracted into the forest to build and use forest coupling network structure stability of the model.In view of the plantation forestry characteristics and mode of operation,the optimization of the structure stability of the plantation management is explored.The results were as follows:(1)As the forest coupling system exists in the larger area and quality of sub-compartment which can be updated to a small area is poor,selective update in sub-compartment with the surrounding sub-compartment of different tree species can be made,and the sub-compartmentes with larger area are gradually changed into the area of the “mixed” smaller sub-compartmentes.This is a process that balances the betweenness distribution around the sub-compartmentes with larger area,improving the forest structure stability.(2)When the forest forest gap exist,in the coupling system,replanting can be made in forest gap and the advantage species around different trees used,the process reduces the forest window around the node betweenness,balances the betweenness of the entire network distribution,improving the forest structure stability.Study on coupling network structure optimization was actually how to solve a small forest in the limited space within the reasonable layout,aimed at for the plantation management in the process of how to keep the forest structure stability,at the same time,both the maneuverability of the forestry production to provide a new train of thought.

    Discussion on Test Method for Application Accuracy of One-variable Tree Volume Tables
    DU Deyu
    2017,(5):  35-38.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.007
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    Applicable accuracy of one-variable tree volume tables used in national continuous forest inventory(NFI)for long-term perspective has been worthy of attention.Based on the mensuration data of sample plots from oak(Quercus spp.)forests in 2014 Shaanxi of the 9th NFI,the test method for applicable accuracy of 4 one-variable tree volume tables was discussed.The approach is to develop 4 tree height-diameter regression models for oak forests using two sets of data,466 pairs of mean diameter and mean tree height of oak stands and 1447 pairs of diameter and tree height of average oak trees,and obtain 4 new one-variable tree volume tables,then compare with the old tables and calculate total relative errors(TRE).The results showed that the TREs of 2 old one-variable tree volume tables did not exceed ±3%,and the TREs of other 2 volume tables exceeded ±5%,and the largest one reached about -10%.Therefore,keeping the one-variable tree volume tables constant in long-term application may cause bias in volume estimation.It is recommended that one-variable tree volume tables/models need to be tested every 10 or 20 years,and the significantly biased ones should be corrected in time.

    Study on the Growth of Scotch Pine in Saihanba Area
    ZHAO Yu, ZHANG Fei, XU Zhongqi, ZHANG Yan, CHENG Shun, CUI Tongxiang
    2017,(5):  39-44.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.008
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    In order to understand the growth pattern of Scotch pine(Pinus sylvesris.var.mongolica) plantation in Saihanba,Hebei province,the growth of DBH and height of Scotch pine planted in different sites of the Saihanba were investigated.The results showed that the annual increment of DBH of Scotch pine increased until 10 years,and reached a peak of 0.90~1.20cm/a at about 10 years,then decreased and reached a relatively stable level after 20 years,with an annual increment of about 0.4~0.5cm/a.Thinning should be carried out for Scotch pine plantation to promote the growth of DBH.The annual increment of tree height of Scotch pine increased till 12~13 years,and reached the peak of about 69.99cm/a at about 12~13 years,then decreased slightly to a stable level,about 40cm/a.The growth of Scotch pine in Class I sites was higher than that of Class II sites.The growth of Scotch pine in Saihanba was higher than that of most of other areas,including Heilongjiang province and Inner Mongolia.

    The Selection of the Most Suitable Shelter Forest Types for Alpine Sandy Land
    FENG Lili, JIA Zhiqing, LI Qingxue, HE Lingxianzi, YANG Kaiyue
    2017,(5):  45-51.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.009
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    The selection of the most suitable shelter forest types for alpine sandy land has great significance to controlling sandy land in this region.In this study,ecological service function assessment of different alpine sandy land shelter forest types was conducted in order to select the most suitable shelter forest type for this special area.Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)was used to evaluate the ecological service function of alpine sandy land shelter forest based on data obtained from Qinghai Gonghe Desert Ecosystem Research Station and expert knowledge.Selections of Caragana intermedia and Caragana Korshinskii from Artemisia desertorum,Caragana intermedia and Caragana Korshinskii on moving sand dune and Salix cheilophila and mixed forest of Salix cheilophila with Salix psammophila from Leymus secalinus,Tamarix chinensis,Salix cheilophila,mixed forest of Salix cheilophila with Salix psammophila and mixed forest of Salix cheilophila with Populus simonii on the interdune were taken as the most suitable shelter forest types for alpine sandy land.

    Effects of Forest Fire on Organic Carbon in Deep Soil of Boreal Forests
    NAN Penghui, CAO Ningyang, QI Lin, SU Baoling
    2017,(5):  52-60.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.010
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    Forest fire is one of the most important ecological process that drives the regeneration,succession and material circulation of boreal forests.The aboveground and surface soil biomass and carbon density of boreal forests were significantly changed by forest fire.Subsoil carbon pool,which may store almost half of soil carbon of boreal forest,is also strongly influenced by forest fire,however,was paid little attention to.In this study,we measured effect of fire on subsoil carbon density,and analyzed relationship between subsoil carbon density and its driving factors in a 2010 burned site at Huzhong Natural Reserve in Great Xing’an Mountains.Results showed that the distribution of soil organic carbon(SOC)content along depth in burned sites were significantly different from that of unburned control sites,deep SOC content and carbon density in burned sites were significantly lower than that in the control sites(n=56,P<0.001);microbial biomass carbon content and easily oxidized organic carbon content in burned sites were significantly higher than that in control sites(n=56,P<0.01),but soil C/N and dissolved organic carbon content were significantly lower than that in control sites(n=56,P<0.01).Soil moisture in burned sites was significantly lower than the control(n=56,P<0.001),but soil temperature and pH were significantly higher than those in control sites(n=56,P<0.001).Our results suggested that forest fire significantly reduced chemical stability of subsoil SOC of boreal forests,promoted the growth of soil microorganism by increasing soil temperature,and eventually led to the accelerated decomposition of SOC and the decrease of subsoil SOC storage.

    Soil Moisture Affecting Factors in Semi-arid Valley Forestland of Lhasa
    LI Yongxia, QIU Banggui, YANG Xiaolin
    2017,(5):  61-65.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.011
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    Soil moisture is one of the main limiting factors in vegetation survival.The objective of this study is to provide a theoretical basis for vegetation restoration in semi-arid valley area in Lhasa by studying environmental factors that affected soil moisture.In this study,three land types(flood land,terrace and footslope)including 7 typical forestland sites were selected.In field investigation,a survey of 10 environmental factors that were classified into soil properties,topography and geomorphology,and vegetation types,was conducted.The major factors affecting soil moisture and relationship among factors were analyzed with correlation analysis and principal component analysis.The results showed that the relationships between soil moisture and environmental factors were inconsistent among 3 different land types,whereas the same relationship was found between flood land and terrace.There was a non-significant positive or negative correlation between soil moisture and environmental factors.However,significant positive correlations were found among environmental factors.In footslope area,the soil moisture was significantly related to the environmental factors,and the correlation between environmental factors was significant as well.The key factor affecting the soil moisture in flood land and terrace was soil properties first,followed by vegetation types.The strongest factors affecting soil moisture in footslope area were topography and geomorphology,and the vegetation type was next.The soil properties had the weakest influence.Soil moisture was the result of the effects of a number of environmental factors.For each land type,the principal components were definite,which had a clearly explanation for soil moisture.The topography,vegetation and soil type were major factors that affected soil moisture in semi-arid valley of Lhasa.

    Stoichiometric Characteristics of Litter and Soils in Water Conservation Forests of Karst Plateau Mountainous Region
    QIN Shiyi, YU Yanghua, XING Rongrong, WANG Lu
    2017,(5):  66-73.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.012
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    It is helpful to understand the nutrient status by ascertaining stoichiometric characteristics of the litter and soil of water conservation forests in the rocky desertification area.In this paper,the forests of Pinus yunnanensis,Betula luminifera and Populus alba,Quercus variabilis and Corylus heterophylla,Populus alba and Betula luminifera,Rhododendron simsii and Populus alba and Betula luminifera in the karst plateau mountainous were used to study the organic C,TN,TP stoichiometry and intrinsic association of litter and soil.The results show that soil organic C,TN and TP in Karst communities occurred primarily in the top 0~20 cm soil layer,at 25.02 mg/g C,1.56 mg/g N and 0.33 mg/g P,with ratios of 15.13 for C:N,78.40 for C:P and 5.17 for N:P.The litter organic C,TN,TP content were estimated at 407.09 mg/g,16.07 mg/g,2.06 mg/g,and the corresponding C:N,C:P and N:P were 25.67,212.87 and 8.38,respectively.In general,litter layer had higher C:N,C:P and N:P than soil layer.There is a significant positive correlation between C:P and N:P in litter layer or soil layer,the correlation between soil C:N and litter C:N was negative.Besides,there was a significant negative correlation between soil C:N and litter N:P.Nutrition of N and P in soil is deficient,the litter has a clear structure of low C,high N and high P.The capacity of holding nutrient for soil is not strong.

    Developing Stand-level Models of Stock Volume,Total Biomass and Carbon Storage for Larch Plantations in Heilongjiang Province
    LI Yi
    2017,(5):  74-77.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.013
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    The stand-level tables and models are indispensable tools for implementing forest management inventory.Using the mensuration data of 53 larch(Larix spp.)plantation plots of national forest inventory in Heilongjiang province,and combining with the published ministerial standard Tree Biomass Models and Related Parameters to Carbon Accounting for Larix,stand-level models of stock volume,total biomass and carbon storage based on basal area and mean height were developed in this paper.The results showed that determination coefficients(R 2)of the developed models were more than 0.91 and mean prediction errors(MPE)were less than 5%,which could meet the precision requirement for forest management inventory.The presented approach is suitable for developing stand-level models of stock volume,total biomass and carbon storage for other tree species in any regions.

    Investigation Method of Root Biomass of Oasis Farmland Shelterbelt
    ZHAO Yingming, LEI Yuancai, YANG Wenbin, BAO Chunyan, GAO Junliang, HUANG Yaru, ZHANG Hongyi
    2017,(5):  78-85.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.014
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    Forest carbon sequestration can slow down the deterioration of climate warming,so carbon sink has been a hot research at home and abroad.Plantations of China has become the main body of forestry,the northwest region has become the future forestry development direction,but the northwest carbon sink and biomass research less.In order to explore the northwest area of plantation carbon sink function,and not to destroy the original infrastructure,this research is conducted.In this paper,the growth model of Populus alba var.pyramidalis Bunge.shelterbelt was simulated by the method of space instead time,and the growth model was established according to DBH and tree height from small to large and underground biomass.Based on the investigation of underground biomass,a calculation method,6 steps and corresponding calculation formula of groundwater biomass survey were established,and the growth model of DBH,tree height and underground biomass was established.The DBH and root,lateral root and root biomass models are: $W=0.0268D_{1.3}^{2.1717},W=0.0191D_{1.3}^{2.1346},W=0.0465D_{1.3}^{2.1557}$,the regression relationship is very significant.Compared with the previous model,the models are more reliable and practical.

    Study on the Investigation and Management Strategy of the Alien Invasive Plants in Lingyuan Mountains,Jinjiang City
    YANG Wanqiao, ZHENG Shiqun, LIU Mengxin, LIU Jinfu, HE Zhongsheng, XU Daowei
    2017,(5):  86-92.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.015
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    There are 507 kinds of vascular plants which belong to 363 generals in 118 families in Lingyuan Mountains.The result shows that there are 43 species alien invasive plants among these plants(accounting for 8.48%),the 43 species come from 39 generals(10.47%) and the 39 generals are from16 families(13.56%).Among them,the highest proportion is the Asteraceae family.There are 16 species in the Asteraceae family,accounting for 37.19% of the total invasive species.The terrestrial herb which belongs to the life was the most abundant and there are 34 species(79.07%).The number of species from America was 32,which was the most,and accounted for 74.42% of the total species number.28 species(65.12%) were introduced unintentionally.According to the analysis of the survey of 41 forest communities in Lingyuan Mountains,Eupatorium catarium is the biggest invader and has caused great damage to the species of Lingyuan Mountains.In all kinds of the forest vegetation,there are the most alien invasive species in the Eucalyptus grandis × E.urophylla community.This article shows the damage of invasive species to the ecosystem of Lingyuan Mountains.And suggestions and preventions are raised to protect the ecosystem.

    Establishment of Evaluation Index System for Ecological Status of Forest Fires in Genhe Based on Correlation and Principal Component Analysis
    SHI Liang, ZHOU Mei, FENG Qianqian, WANG Zixuan, HE Min, ZHAO Pengwu
    2017,(5):  93-100.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.016
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    The occurrence of forest fires is unavoidable in many cases,but the understanding of ecological status after forest fires is of great significance for post-disaster ecological restoration and related forestry activities.Therefore,it is very important to construct an ecological status evaluation index system of forest fire.After analyzing the construction methods of the evaluation index system of ecosystems at home and abroad,this paper has chosen the forest ecosystem disturbedby forest fire disturbance as the research object.Through the index selection,frequency statistics,feasibility analysis and sensitivity,the evaluation of ecological status of forest ecosystems after forest fires was preliminarily established,which was constructed by productivity,regeneration capacity,soil conditions,microbial factors,site conditions and biodiversity,and 23 indicators of post-forest fire ecosystem assessment system.We use the entropy method to determine the indicators of the weight of the indicators.This method,which combines qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis,can achieve the goal of using the least indexes to reflect the maximum amount of original information.The application of this research idea and method should enrich the theory and method system of forest ecosystem evaluation research to a certain extent.

    Study on the Suitability Evaluation Index System of Forest Wellness Base Construction
    PAN Yangliu, ZENG Jin, WEN Ye, YAN Qi, LIU Yuanqiu
    2017,(5):  101-107.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.017
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    China’s forest wellness industry started late.The pace of development and forest wellness base construction needs have become increasingly urgent.In this paper,the expert evaluation method and theoretical analysis method are used to construct the evaluation index system of forest wellness base construction.A total of three criterion layers,nine primary index layers and 30 specific indicators are defined,and the connotation and weight value of each index are clarified.With reference to national standards and forest,tourism resources evaluation and other aspects of research results,the corresponding indicators of the scoring criteria are established.According to the characteristics of different indicators and the basis of the evaluation,the corresponding evaluation methods were determined,and the evaluation grade corresponding to the evaluation results was worked out.

    Analysis of Landscape Patterns of National Wetland Parks—A case study of Egret Wetland Park in Chengdu
    GAO Linan
    2017,(5):  108-113.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.018
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    Based on some data of Egret Wetland Park and principles of landscape ecology,ArcGIS software and Amap photo pictures had been used,meanwhile the spots had been investigated. The characteristic index of patches,the landscape diversity index had been selected to analyze the spatial pattern of Egret Wetland Park area. The total area of Egret Wetland Park area was 200.04 hm2,the grassland and lake were the main landscapes in Egret Wetland Park,which accounted for 123.52 hm2 and 26.31 hm2,PLAND were 61.75% and 13.15%. From the results of patch density(PD)and number of patches(NP),the degrees of fragmentation of different sights were similar,it showed that the degree of fragmentation of road(NP=85 n,PD=42.49 n/100hm2)and grassland(NP=48 n,PD=24.00 n/100hm2)were higher. In addition,the calculation results of mean shape index(MSI)and mean patch fractal dimension(MPFD)indicated that the river(MPFD=1.43,MSI=12.21)was the most complicated in patch shape,while shrub(MPFD=1.07,MSI=1.50)was simplest. The Shannon’s diversity index was 1.31,the Shannon’s evenness index was 0.63,which indicated that the landscape diversity was high,the dominant patch was obvious,the distribution of patches was not uniform.

    Technical Application
    Grey Analysis Prediction on Forestry Industrial Structure in Fujian
    XU Ludong, LIU Fuhui, HUANG Chaofa, SHI Xiaochun, CAI Yangxin, CHEN Xinwang, ZHENG Dexiang
    2017,(5):  114-119.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.019
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    Based on the forestry statistical data of Fujian Province in 2005—2015,the gray correlation analysis method was used to calculate the correlation degree of three forestry output values and the total forestry output value in Fujian Province,and then the current situation and dynamic changes of the Fujian forestry industrial structure were analyzed.The prediction model of GM(1,1) grey was established to forecast and analyse the changes of Fujian Province three forestry output values and the total forestry output value.The results show that the grey correlation degrees of Fujian Province three forestry output values and the total forestry output value in 2005—2015 were 0.8564,0.9415,0.7654,respectively.And a forestry industrial structure pattern would be formed in which the second industry is the leading factor,followed by the first and third industries.In the next ten years,with the rapid improvement and development of living standards and the third industry,the value will be more than the first industry,forming a new pattern of “two,three and one” industrial structure with the second industry as the leading one and the first and third industries developing steadily.

    Mini Program Technology Application in Forest Park Navigation System
    CHEN Ye, LIU Qunyue, YOU Da, ZHANG Yi, LIN Yiwei, LAN Siren
    2017,(5):  120-124.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.020
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    Navigation system is an important part of many elements in forest parks.It plays an important role in the service,explanation,guidance,management and education functons of forest parks.This article investigated and analyzed the navigation system of Fuzhou National Forest Park,which was based on field survey and random interviews.The results showed that there are some problems,such as low identifiability,lack of details,misallocation of signboards,inadequate number of signboards,flimsy signboards and non-interaction.In order to solve these problems,this article discusses about the application of the Mini Program technology in the navigation system in forest parks,and tries to improve the forest parks navigation system.It also expounds the prospect of Smart Park in the final part.

    Research Bulletin
    Analysis of Development Status of Forestry Carbon Sink Project in China Based on CDM Mechanism
    SUN Qingfang, MA Yan e, LIU Qiang
    2017,(5):  125-128.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.021
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    The types,distribution and advantages/disadvantages of CDM projects in China were briefly discussed,and the development status of forestry carbon sink projects both at home and abroad were analyzed based on CDM.The current distribution and emission reduction effects of CDM forestry carbon sink projects in China were summarized,in order to provide better advice and reference for the study of national voluntary GHG emission reduction in China.

    Research on Forest Eco-tourism Development Model—A Case Study of Hainan Jianfengling National Forest Park
    GENG Songtao, LI Li, ZHANG Chenglin
    2017,(5):  129-134.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.022
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    With the thriving trend of forest eco-tourism worldwide,it is vital to establish an advanced model for the sustainable development of forest eco-tourism in China.This paper,taking Hainan Jianfengling National Forest Park as an example,describes its general situation and development advantages of forest eco-tourism,and further explores the development model of forest eco-tourism in China by syncretizing the four concepts of Tourism +,Internet +,Innovation and Entrepreneurship,respectively from 6 perspectives—the development of industry,management and investment,the development principles,the development approaches,publicity and promotion,and regional cooperation.Finally,based on the model,the paper puts forward specific practical approaches for the forest eco-tourism development of Jianfengling National Forest Park.

    Research on Wetland Spatial Index and Ecological Index
    REN Yi, ZHAO Yichen, JIN Jiao, GAO Zhihong, LIU Xiaolu
    2017,(5):  135-140.  doi:10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2017.05.023
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    Wetland is one of the most important types in the eco-system.Wetland spatial structure gradually changes over years,as a result of perennial human behaviors and natural process to the wetland directly or indirectly.The change of spatial structure would then directly affect its landscape,biology,and balance and diversity.Human actions in recent years,like water infrastructures,development around wetlands,are all causes of the wetland spatial changes.It appears crucially important to evaluate the spatial change results and the way to search for the relationship between spatial structure evolution and biodiversity.Based on index parameters of spatial structure and diversity,the article states the crucial factors of spatial structure that affects bio-diversity.This article provides an advancing reference for wetland sustainable research and development.