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Academy of Forest and Grassland Inventory and Planning,National Forestry and Grassland Administratio
Table of Content
28 February 2013, Issue 1
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Integrated Management and Administration
Analysis and Thoughts on Forest Cutting Management in China
YUAN Shaoqing, XIE Shouxin
2013,(1): 1-5.
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The existing problems in forest and tree cutting management in China are analyzed based on the summary of the forest resources management at home and abroad.Some thoughts on the reform and deve-lopment of forest and tree cutting management are brought forth according to the historical experiences and the guideline of forestry development in the new period.The viewpoints and advices for innovating and improving the forest and tree cutting management system are proposed.
Analysis of Forest Certification Impact on Forest Policy and Governance
XU Bin, LIU Xiaoli
2013,(1): 6-10.
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Forest certification as a market incentive mechanism and “soft” policy tool,and forest policies and regulations as a compulsory “hard” policy have played a supplementary role in promoting sustainable forest management and strengthening forest governance. Now forest certification has become a niw tool to strengthening of forest policy and governance,which includes promoting the discussion of forest issues and forest policy among stakeholders,the development and implementation of national laws and regulations,the awareness and capacity of sustainable forest management of public forest,and the international policy dialogue. The relationship between forest certification and forest policy and the impact of forest certification on forest policy and governace are analyzed,and its potential role in China’s forest governance are also discussed in the paper.
Suggestions for Consolidating Achievements of Returning Farmland to Forest in the Poverty- stricken Areas around Beijing and Tianjin
ZHANG Guijun, ZHANG Pengtao, ZHANG Hui
2013,(1): 11-16.
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On the basis of investigation on converting farmland to forest in the 31 counties of the poverty-stricken areas around Beijing and Tianjin,the article analyzes the achievements and issues in converting farmland to forest.The survey reflects that the existence of restoring intention will threaten the consolidation of the results of converting farmland to forest and the second phase of the project.The article proposes that it is needed to combine the achievement’s consolidation of converting farmland to forest with antipoverty measures,and puts forward some relevant proposals on the basis of promoting the result of converting farmland to forest and the development of the local economy.
Analysis on Walnut Production Volatility in Hebei Province
WEI Yuanyuan, ZONG Yixiang, XU Shangli, YANG Yongming
2013,(1): 17-21.
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This article,firstly,analyzes the walnut production in Hebei Province based on the annual statistics and secondly,calculates the association degree between walnut production,yield and fruit bearing area,and finds that the association degree between production and fruit bearing area is higher than the association degree between production and yield.At last,a research is conducted on the short-term and long-term fluctuations of walnut production and it's found that three years experiences a volatile period and the long-term volatility of the fruit bearing area is greater than long-term volatility of the yields.
Analysis on Development Potential and Countermeasures of Amygdalus pedunculata Industry
XU Xinqiao, CHU Jianmin
2013,(1): 22-25.
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From a viewpoint of the advantages of Amygdalus pedunculata development and utilization,this article introduced germplasm resource distribution of A.pedunculata,discussed the potential of regional development,and put forward countermeasures in the technology and policy for accelerating its development.This article provides policy references about accelerating industrial development of A.pedunculata.
Scientific Research
Discussion on Methods for Producing Annual National Estimates of Forest Resources
ZENG Weisheng
2013,(1): 26-31.
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Based on the current national continuous forest inventory(NFI)system in China,three methods for producing annual national estimates of forest resources were presented at first.Then,by using the main data of national forest inventories from the 5th to 8th NFIs,the two feasible methods at the moment,“annual-rolling” method and “updating + predicting” method,were compared for the time-effectiveness,stability,and certainty of the national estimates.The results showed that the “updating + predicting” method can produce time-effective,stable and reliable annual national estimates,which is worthy to be recommended for application at present.
A Study on the Data Difference Problems of Forest Resources Inventory
NIE Xiangyong
2013,(1): 32-37.
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For a long time,the difference has always existed in all kinds of forest resources inventory data,which directly affects the use and release of inventory results and needs further analysis and study.Through the comprehensive analysis on the data difference problems of forest resources inventory,this paper points out the main error sources,conducts the system classification and analysis and puts forward the method and way to solve data difference,which will be benefitial to the development and improve ment of the integrated national forest resources inventory system.
nter-annual Dynamics of Leaf Litter Decomposition in Control-density Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantations
JIANG Ping, LIU Yong
2013,(1): 38-44.
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It is of vital importance to study the density effects on leaf litter substrate quality and their roles on decomposition rate in managed Larix principis-rupprechtii plantations.In 2000,the thinning experiment was done in four different densities.Decomposition rate,nutrient dynamics and chemical components of leaf litter were explored by litter bag method during 2009 to 2011.The results showed that:(1)Mass loss rate of inter-annual dynamics were shaped like inversed “V”.Highest-density standⅠ,induced by regulated thinning,showed obviously significance between other three-densities’ stands(Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ ).It indicates that density has specific temporal effect on litter decomposition.(2)The density effect reflected by decomposition rates was consistent with ratio of lignin content to nitrogen and mass loss rate;therefore the ratio and mass loss rate could be used as predictors of leaf litter decomposition.Additionally,ash mass could be considered as a predictor of turnover period.(3)In the whole observation of 3 years,return pattern of N and K exhibited two-recycled accumulation-release mode ;P followed balanced fluctuation- accumulation mode;Mg indicated the continuous increased mode.However,return pattern of Ca was one-recycled release-accumulation mode.The paper was aimed at offering a theoretical basis for forest thinning management.
Stand Structures and Forest Management of Picea schrenkiana in Different Regions
2013,(1): 45-48.
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Picea schrenkiana var tianschanica,as a dominant species in Xinjiang Tianshan mountain forest,is an endemic species in central Asian mountainous areas and it exists only in Xinjiang in our country.As the main body of Tianshan mountain forest ecological system,Picea schrenkiana forest plays a vital role in water conservation,water and soil conservation,adjusting the climate.Research on stand structure with longitude change of Picea schrenkiana has important significance to scientific and reasonable management of Picea schrenkiana.In July 2011,Picea schrenkiana stand structure was investigated in Mulei State Forest Farm of east Tianshan Mountains,Xinjiang Agricultural University Forest Farm of central Tienshan mountains and West Tianshan National Nature Reserve in west Tianshan Mountains.Investigated sample area is 1hm
(100m×100m),method is negative exponential function and q inspection.Diameter distribution function of Picea schrenkiana is that N=188.973 9e
,q=1.33 in east Tianshan;N=63.952 5e
,q=1.13 in central Tianshan;N=15.993 7e
,q=1.08 in West Tianshan.The results of the study show that small trees have higher density in east Tianshan,big trees have higher density in west Tianshan.According to q value size,tree high structure and age structure,the different management measures should be adopted to Picea schrenkiana growing from the eastern Tianshan to central Tianshan to west Tianshan to realize Picea schrenkiana multi-functions sustainably.
Evaluation of the Forest Ecosystem Service Values in the Mountainous Areas of North Hebei Province
ZHANG Chunru, CHEN Bo, ZHANG Wei, YANG Xinbing, CHEN Yanqin
2013,(1): 49-52.
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This paper takes the forest ecosystem of the mountainous region in north Hebei province as the research object,evaluates the ecosystem service values by using the industry standards of the People’s Republic of China(LY/T 1721-2008):Specification for Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Services.The results show that the annual service value of the forest ecosystem has reached to RMB 57.913 billion yuan/a,of which about RMB 29,409 billion yuan/a is for water-holding,RMB 14,28 billion yuan/a for CO
fixation and O
release,RMB 8,737 billion yuan/a for species conservation,RMB 2,720 billion yuan/a for soil protection,RMB 2,504 billion yuan/a for nutrients accumulation,RMB 0.195 billion yuan/a for atmosphere purification,RMB 0.067 billion yuan/a for recreation and ecotourism.Wherein,Manchurian walnut,linden and birch service value per unit area is the largest.
Biomass Structure and Distribution of Korean Larch Plantations
XUAN Zhilong, ZHANG Qichang, GE Lili, HE Huaijiang, XU Minmin, XU Weisheng
2013,(1): 53-57.
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The biomass and net productivity of Korean larch(Larix olgensis)plantations were investigated through the mean sample tree of diameter class and sample quadrat.The results showed the biomass of Korean larch was 120.55t/hm
and that the annual net productivity was 8.47t/(hm
·a).The biomass of the ecosystem was distributed descendingly as follows:tree layer>litter>undergrowth>herb.The total biomass and net productivity of tree layer were 102.17 t/hm
and 8.09t/(hm
·a),respectively.The distribution pattern of organic biomass was stem > root>bark> branch>leaf.With respect to the production structure,stems under 8m accounted for up to 81.8% of total stem biomass,branches between 10m to 14m accounted for up to 38.37% of total branch biomass,and leaves between 10m to 14m accounted for up to 73% of total leaf biomass.Coarse root took a proportion of up to 53.98% of total root biomass.The root biomass was distributed in a descending manner as coarse root(>5cm)> root stumpage> medium root(0.5~5cm)> fine root(<0.5cm).
Study on Arbor Biomass and Carbon Storage in Nanyang Water Source Area of the Middle Section of the South to North Water Transfer Project
GUO Zhansheng
2013,(1): 58-61.
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In this study,we used regression equation between biomass of various tree species and volume,took carbon-included reat in different tree species as the transferring coefficient from biomass to carbon stock.The arbor biomass and carbon storage in Nnanyang Water Source area of the middle section of the South to North Water Transfer Project were estimated based on original Forest Resource Inventory Data of Henan Province in 2007.The results showed that the total arbor biomass is 2212.25×10
t,the total carbon storage is 1103.35×10
t.Carbon storage of the broad leaf forests is more that 96.5% of total arbor forests in this area and that of deciduous oaks is the most,acounting for 82.1%,the carbon storage of young aged forests is 916.6×10
t,accounts for 83.3% of the total timber tree species biomass carbon storage in the areas;The average carbon density of arbor forest is 22.08t/hm
Research Advances in Effects of Thinning on Artificial Forest
HUANG Xianglan, YANG Zhenyi, XUE Li
2013,(1): 62-67.
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Thinning has an important influence on artificial forest. This article reviewed the effects of thinning on diversity of undergrowth,biomass,litter decomposition,soil fertility and carbon stock of forest ecosystems,and suggested that further research should focus on developing long-term location research on the influence of thinning to the biodiversity and biomass of artificial forests,thinning impacts on mechanism of litter decomposition,carbon storage of artificial forest ecosystems.Meanwhile,it is needed to carry out the thinning study of major forest types in various regions with multiple site conditions and different densities.
Willingness to Pay for Tourism Eco-Compensation in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve
ZHANG Bing, SHEN Hanli, WANG Pengwei, JIA Jingbo
2013,(1): 68-75.
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Based on the contingent valuation method(CVM),this article,through the questionnaire survey,investigated the willingness to pay(WTP)of the residents in Erdaobaihe Town and the tourists in Changbai mountain scenic spot for ecological compensation of Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve.The analyzed results revealed that the ratio of people willing to pay the fund was higher for tourists than for local residents and the fund paid by tourists was 6.26 times higher than residents,which reflected tourists received the most benefits from the tourism.Particularly,older,frequently travelling and people with higher income were willing to pay more money. Although local residents benefit from the tourism,they preferr to pay the eco-compensation by labor,especially the local young and the people with long residence years.
Soil Microbial Functional Diversity of Typical Forest in Jigongshan Mountain Nature Reserve of Henan Province
LIU Jiming, HUANG Binjun, XU Yanpeng, LU Ping, LIN YingHua
2013,(1): 76-79.
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Biolog Ecoplate
is an important approach of syudying community-level physiological profiles of microbes.Soil microbial diversity of three types of forests in Jigongshan Mountain Nature Reserve area of Henan Province,was studied by using Biolog Eco
plates method.The result showed that utilization intensity of soil microbial on single carbon is in an increasing trend with the time of incubation and the metabolic capacity of soil microbial community under deciduous broadleaved forest is significantly higher than others.Utilization of different carbon resources is significantly different among forests(p<0.01).The result indicated that the Amino acids were sensitive to the change of soil microbial communities.
Research on the Variation of the Soil Fertility in the Planted Young Pinus massoniana Forest and Comprehensive Evaluation of Its Soil Fertility
QIN Qiyun, CAO Jizhao, LI Jun, HUANG Kaiyong, TANG Jian
2013,(1): 80-85.
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The soil chemical characteristics were analyzed from the forest land of eucalyptus and from the forest land of Pinus massoniana and wasteland that were planted in the same land of the former-eucalyptus growing after they had been felled in Huanjiang county of Guangxi province.Grey correlation analysis was used to study and evaluate the status of soil fertility changes for Pinus massoniana and wasteland.The results showed that for 4 year-old Pinus massoniana and the wasteland,the content of alkaline solution N,effective P,available K,exchangeable Ca and effective Zn in forest soil increased and the pH value was also improved as before,however,total N,total P,total K,exchangeable Mg and effective Cu decreased.The content of organic matter and effective B decreased in 0~20cm soil layer,but increased in 20~40cm soil layer.The integrated soil fertility was generally poor in different aged Pinus massoniana and the wasteland.After 4 years growth,soil integrated fertility of same soil layer of Pinus massoniana was lower than the wasteland.Except the soil integrated fertility of 4 age wasteland had no any variation in 0~20cm soil layer,and that of 4 the Pinus massoniana and the wasteland degraded,but with the most serious soil fertility of the Pinus massoniana.The research results provide theories for formula fertilization of the planted young Pinus massoniana forest.
Technical Application
Review of the Methods for Forest Biomass Estimation with GLAS Data
DUAN Zhugeng, XIAO Huashun
2013,(1): 86-90.
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Forest biomass is an important indicator for monitoring forest ecosystems.GLAS waveform information has a strong correlation with the forest canopy height and biomass and has broad application prospects for estimating the forest canopy height,biomass and other parameters.This paper introduces the GLAS laser radar system and its characteristics,and summarizes forest canopy height GLAS,principles and methods of estimating biomass,and the model of estimating forest canopy height and biomass is also introduced.
The Relationship between Shape Index and Land Type of Forest Land Compartments and Its Application —Taking Yihuang County,Jiangxi Province as an Example
YAO Shunbin
2013,(1): 91-94.
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Based on the comprehensive compact of natual factors and human being activities,there exists a good interrelation between the shape and land type of forest land compartments.This paper quantitatively describes the shape characteristics of forest land compartments adopting shape index(SD),reveals a regular pattern of shape index and different land type property.On the top of this regular pattern,a deep logic check on defining forest land border is raised.
Introduction to the Specifications for Forestry Map Symbols and Discussion on Relevant Theory and Method
TU Qiong
2013,(1): 95-97.
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Forestry information needs priority to realize standardization.The specifications for forestry map symbols are already issued,which is one of the many information product standards in forestry information standardization system.Firstly,the specifications for forestry map symbols are overviewed,and then the principles and methods of map symbol design are analyzed from both theoretical and practical aspects.
Methodology to Estimate Mass of 4 Types of Flammable Forest Fuels in Southwest Forest Areas of China
ZHENG Yongbo, LI Zhi, LIAO Zhouyu, SHU Lifu, ZHANG Jialin, MAO Shundong, LI Shiyou
2013,(1): 98-101.
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According to the mass dynamic changing characteristic of live leaf of Pinus yunnanensis,Pinus yunnanensis var.pygmaea,Pinus armandii in forest fire season and irregular distribution pattern of Eupatorium adenophorum,morphological index and fuel mass of branch section with flammable live leaves of the 3 species conifer plants and stem of Eupatorium adenophorum were measured,then the equations of correlation between fuel mass and morphology index were fitted.The testing result showed that there was no obvious difference between factual value and calculated value of the equations,and it was feasible to estimate flammable fuel mass according to morphological index of branch and stem.
Study on Forest Fire Risk Zone Mapping for Shangri-La Based on RS and GIS
YANG Congrui, ZHAO Kairui, LÜ Sitong, SHU Qingtai
2013,(1): 102-107.
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In the present study,Shangri-la,which is the core of three parallel rivers,was taken as a research area and TM images,forest resources survey data,stock state map and DEM selected as the sources of intelligence.On the basis of analyzing the forest fire risk factor of Shangri-La,the forest fire risk in Shangri-La area was quantified by the factors including vegetation type,aspect,slope,altitude and settlement buffer area.The circumstances of forest fire risk were quantified by the RS,GIS and factor-weights union method,the investigating area were divided into low,moderate and high fire danger zones.The investigating results show that:the low,moderate,and high fire danger zones take up 12.96%,47.85%,and 38.87% of the total investigating area respectively,the moderate and high fire danger zones hold a strikingly high proportion,indicating that the forest Forest fire task is heavy.Most of high fire danger zones are flammable tree area and the dense populated residential areas.Tree species combustibility and human factors are the important factors of the forest fire.The results will provide technical support to the releated departments of forest fire control.
Study on the Changes of Landscape Pattern in Nansihu Wetland Based on RS and FRAGSTATS
YU Quanzhou, ZHANG Zulu, GAO Bin, LU Jianshu, YUAN Yi
2013,(1): 108-115.
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By using 3 periods TM/ETM+ remote sensing data in 1987,1997 and 2008 and based on remote sensing,geographic information system and landscape ecology theory,selecting landscape pattern index in type level and landscape level,the quantitative analysis of the dynamic changes Shandong Nansihu wetland landscape pattern has been done in the paper.The results show that:(1)The general characteristics of landscape pattern are that significant changes have been found,the area of natural landscape decreasing and area of artificial landscape increasing.The degree of patch fragmentation is aggravating.The landscape patterns of reed land,lotus land and fish pond change most intensively.(2)with a view to the landscape index:at the type level,different landscape types have different change characteristics of index .At the landscape level,the number and density of patches have been increasing ;average patch area and contag index have been declining.Shannon diversity index and evenness index have been firstly increasing,then decreasing.(3)Looking from the transfer matrix,the changes of landscape pattern of Nansihu have begun in the former study period(1987-1997);and the rate of landscape pattern changes has become faster in the late study period(1997-2008).Every landscape changes to each other on a high rate,especially the landscapes of reed and lotus own very high rate of changing to other landscapes,and this transformation tends to happen from natural landscape patches to artificial landscape patches.